- The Observation of the Anaesthesia Effect when Cigarette Smoking Female Have Indolence Induced Abortion by Propfol 吸烟女性异丙酚无痛人工流产麻醉效果观察
- Effect observation of Propofol Fentanyl citrate lidocaine and Atropin using indolence induced abortion 异丙酚联合枸橼酸芬太尼和利多卡因阿托品用于无痛人流的疗效观察
- Indolence induced abortion 无痛人工流产
- In some countries, induced abortion is prohibited. 在一些国家,人工流产是被禁止的。
- Effective of different analgesics in induced abortion operation. 不同镇痛药物用于人工流产术效果比较。
- A substance or device used to induce abortion. 堕胎药,堕胎仪器用于促使流产的物质或装置
- China allows women who require induced abortion to have such an operation under safe and reliable conditions. 国家允许需要人工流产妇女在安全、可靠的条件下做手术。
- The Chinese government is against promoting induced abortion as a means of family planning. 中国政府反对将人工流产作为计划生育的手段加以提倡。
- The defination of induced abortion has been complicated by a debate about when "life" can be said to begin. 人工流产的定义由于“生命”从何时算是开始的争论而复杂化了。
- Propofol Fentanyl Lidocaine used in Induced Abortion of Indolence 异丙酚联合芬太尼利多卡因在无痛人流术中的应用
- Objective to observe the curative effect of compound fentanyl mixture in induced abortion and prevent the emergence of induced abortion syndrome. 目的观察复方芬太尼合剂在无痛人流中的镇痛疗效,预防人流综合症的发生。
- Objective To observe a subanesthestic-dosage of ketamine combined with propofol for analgesia of the induced abortion. 目的:观察亚麻醉剂量氯胺酮复合异丙酚用于人工流产术的临床效果。
- The definition of induced abortion has been complicated by a debate about when "life" can be said to begin. 人工流产的定义由于“生命”从何时算是开始的争论而复杂化了。
- Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) should be used for management of incomplete abortion and induced abortion. 应当使用人工真空抽吸手段处理不完全的流产和人工流产。
- Objective:To explore how lidocaine Hydrochloride Injection can be used in painless induced abortion. 目的:探讨利多卡因在无痛人工流产术中的作用。
- But contraception,induced abortion,steri-lization technologies touch off a firestorm of debate about ethics. 然而,避孕、人工流产、绝育技术的施行却引发了激烈的伦理道德问题论争。
- AIM To investigate the propofol and atropin clinical effect in the painless induced abortion operation. 目的观察丙泊酚联合阿托品在开展无痛人工流产术中的临床效果。
- Pregnancy, abortion, childbirth, induced abortion, contraception, and sterilization operation of the insured. 被保险人怀孕、流产、分娩、堕胎、避孕、绝育手术;
- Conclusion: Salpingemphraxis was the key sterile cause of the secondary infertility after drug induced abortion. 结论:输卵管梗阻是药流后继发性不孕的主要原因。
- Objective : To compare the result of combining using fentanyl and propofol, and using lidocaine in induced abortion . 目的:芬太尼+异丙酚和利多卡因用于无痛人流的对比。