- Chang, K.H. and S.W Huang, 2006, Applying Grey Forecasting Model on the Investment Performance of Markowitz Efficiency Frontier: A Case of the Dow Jones Industry Index. 张宫熊、欧慧君,2005,应用灰色系统理论建立最小变异数投资组合之实证模型-以摩根史坦利已开发国家指数23个市场为例。
- Industry Index is an important base of delineating ore body and calculating reserves of deposit,and the protection and rational utilization of mineral resources in the important levers. 矿床工业指标主要是圈定矿体和估算资源储量的依据,是保护和合理利用矿产资源的重要杠杆。
- It has taken more than six years for the Dow Industrial index to make it back into record territory. 道琼斯工业指数用了六年多才重回历史记录。
- The Dow Jones Industrials Index fell from the climax of 1050 in 1973 to the bottom of 570 at the end of 1974,falling 45% or so. 道·琼斯工业指数从1973年的1050点左右的高峰跌到1974年底570点的谷底,跌幅达45%25左右。
- Discussion on Calculation of Content of Paragenetic Minerals in the Shaduntou Kaolin Ores of Suzhou and Its Industrial Index. 苏州沙墩头高岭土矿石共生矿物含量计算及其工业指标的讨论
- Several metropolitan areas along the southeastern and Gulf coasts showed high lung cancer rates that failed to correspond with the industrialization index. 沿东南部和海湾沿岩的若干大城市地区肺癌率显得高,这同工业化指数是不一致的。
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Influenced by the bill, the Dow Jones Industrial index rose dramatically 480 points on July 24th, the biggest rise in 15 years but on July 25th it fell slightly 4.92 points to close at 8,186.37 while the Nasdaq index shed 50.09 to close at 1,240.14. 受到这项法案消息的影响,道琼工业指数二十四日大涨四百八十点,是十五年来的最大涨幅,但二十五日却略见回软,道琼工业指数小跌四点九二,以八一八六点三七作收,那斯达克指数下跌五十点0九,以一二四0点一四作收。
- Industry is reviving after the recession. 经济衰退后,工业正在复兴。
- On Wall Street, Dow Jones industrial index plunged to 8,897.54 this morning, breaking for the first time the lowest record of 8,900 last October when the market plummeted under the impact of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. 华尔街道琼工业指数今晨跌落到8;897.;54低点,首次跌破去年十月创下的8900低点,当时市场受到九一一恐怖攻击冲击而大跌。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。
- The Economist's dollar industrials index fell by 3% this week as investment funds sold commodities on fears of a slow-down in economic growth in the wake of a world credit squeeze. 为防止经济增长下滑所应起的全球信贷紧缩,投资基金售出工业商品,这使本周经济学家美元工业指数下降了3%25。
- Should industry be controlled by the state? 工业应该由国家控制吗?
- He is looking for job in the hotel industry. 他正试着在饭店找份工作。
- He wants to widen his knowledge of the industry. 他想扩充自己在这一行业的知识。
- Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base. 它的重工业有广泛坚实的基础。
- Deficiencies of original industrial indexes of Panzhihua titanomagnetite-bearing vanadium ores are discussed. 论述了攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿原工业指标的弊端。
- The industry felt the effects of the energy crisis. 该工业受到能源危机的影响。