- Many rivers are defiled by industrial waste. 许多河流被工业废水污染了。
- It's difficlut to dispose of industrial waste. 很难处理工业垃圾。
- The river was thick with industrial waste. 这条河里淤积了工业废物。
- The government has set up a work party to study the problem of industrial waste. 政府成立了一个专家工作小组来研究工业废物的问题。
- Effluent zero discharge can maximum decrease industry waste water in polluting environment, save water source. 污水零排放可以最大限度地减少工业废水对环境的污染,减少水资源的浪费。
- The additions of the two kinds of cements are industry waste residues, such as slag, scoria and coal slag. 该两种水泥产品的混合材为炉渣、矿渣、煤矸石等工业废渣。
- Factories are obliged to solve the industrial waste problem. 工厂应该负责解决工业废料问题。
- The sequential chemical extraction (SCE) method is used to study the chemical states of heavy metals in industry waste slag in this paper. 介绍了一种分析测定工业废渣中重金属的化学形态的方法:连续化学萃取法。
- Conversion of industrial waste from liability to asset. 工业废料由废变益的转换。
- The river has been polluted by all kinds of industrial waste. 那条河已被各种工业废物污染。
- Industrial waste gas disposal has reached 80 percent. 全区工业废气处理率已达80%25。
- Industrial waste must be prevented from polluting our rivers. 必须阻止工业废物污染河流。
- Do you know that industrial waste oil can be recycled? 你知道吗,工业废油是可以回收再生的。
- Industrial wastes are poisoning the atmosphere. 工业废料在污染着大气。
- Industrial wastes have poisoned the river. 工业废弃物污染了这条河。
- The industrial wastes polluted the lake. 工业废物污染了湖泊。
- Non-fired and non-steamed bricks are peoduced by means of utilization of industry waste residues such as red mud,fly ash and lime cinder in aluminum industry. 利用铝厂赤泥、粉煤灰和石灰矿渣等工业废渣生产免烧免蒸砖,不仅是解决工业废渣资源化的有效途径,而且对于企业的经济效益和国家的新型建筑材料的发展都有一定的意义。
- It is pity that such a beautiful lake has been polluted by industrial waste. 这样一个美丽的湖泊被工业废料污染了,真是可惜。
- Industrial waste burned on the surface of Lake Erie near Cleveland in 1970. 1970年工业废物污染了克利夫兰附近的伊利湖湖面。