- Infestation by vermin, especially parasitic vermin. 害虫孳生; 寄生虫孳生害虫,尤指寄生虫的侵扰
- Infestation by fleas 蚤侵染
- There is a warehouse infested by rats. 那有一个大批老鼠出没的仓库。
- However, bubonic plague is usually transmitted by flea bites. 不过,淋巴腺鼠疫通常是经由跳蚤叮咬而传播的。
- Infestation by vermin, especially parasitic vermin . 污秽引起疾病和害虫。
- It contains genes that allow it to resist infestation by the corn borer. 这种玉米中含有能够抵御玉米螟的基因。
- Murine typhus is relatively common throughout the world and is transmitted by fleas. 地方性斑疹伤寒由鼠蚤传播,在世界范围都比较普遍。
- Carried by fleas from rodents to humans, bubonic plague cannot pass from human to human. 携带经由跳蚤从啮齿动物到人类,腺鼠疫不能通过人传人。
- What be bitten by flea on the body is erythema, what method is treated fast effective? ? 身上被跳蚤咬的都是红斑,什么方法治疗又快又有效??
- Prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, infestation by rats, mice and insects and the entry of birds. 在合理切实可行范围内,防止老鼠及昆虫侵扰或禽鸟闯入。
- A cyst formed as a result of infestation by larvae of the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. 包囊虫由绦虫幼虫棘球绦虫颗粒感染引起的包囊
- This colonic mucosal surface is erythematous because of the enormous infestation by Trichuris organisms (whipworms). 由于鞭虫属生物体(鞭虫)的大量蔓延,结肠粘膜表面出现红斑。
- It is related to her prior infestation by the dominant parasitical species here. 那是涉及在她身上已经滋生了的具备支配权的优势寄生物种.
- a dog infested by fleas 满身跳蚤的狗
- The back yard was infested by rats. 后院里老鼠猖獗。
- The germs that cause typhus and bubonic plague are carried by fleas and lice. These insects put the germs in a person's body when they bite. 引起斑疹伤寒和腺鼠疫的病菌是由跳蚤和虱子传染的。它们咬人时把病菌带给人体。
- Any of several forms of infectious disease caused by rickettsia, especially those transmitted by fleas, lice, or mites, and characterized generally by severe headache, sustained high fever, depression, delirium, and the eruption of red rashes on the skin. 斑疹伤寒由立克次氏体造成的各种传染性疾病的任何一种,尤其是那些由跳蚤、虱子或节肢小寄生虫传播的疾病,其总体特征为剧烈头痛、长时间高烧、抑郁、谵妄以及皮肤上红斑暴发
- In many areas once infested by mosquitoes,men have wiped out malaria. 在许多地方一旦蚊子大批滋生;人们就容易患上疟疾.
- Infestation by crab lice. 虱病由阴虱导致的感染
- Infestation with or disease caused by mites. 螨病,壁虱病由螨引起的疾病或螨寄生