- Infiltrator(#): Careful team, I hear something. 妙手:且慢!似乎有东西正在靠近。
- Infiltrator injection molds large chambers used in underground septic systems. 渗入注塑模具中使用的大型商会地下化粪池系统。
- I was a liason with the Church of Shar, and an annoited infiltrator and assassin. 我是莎儿教堂的一名侍僧,并且是一名技巧高超的渗透者和刺客。
- Infiltrator(#): Sir, I've gathered some samples for the lab. We are ready to leave. 妙手:队长,在实验室里找到一些样本,我们先撤吧。
- The Infiltrator I &II have had their mass reduced to be inline with other drones in their group. 渗透者I和II的质量减少,向同类其它无人看齐。
- Infiltrator(#): Sir, maybe I can flank the narrow side corridor to poison him up close. 妙手:队长,走廊太窄了,让我从侧翼包抄后用毒气突袭敌人吧。
- Shadowmage Infiltrator can't be blocked except by artifact creatures and/or black creatures. 渗透影法师只能被神器和/或黑色生物阻挡。
- Whenever Shadowmage Infiltrator deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card. 每当渗透影法师对任一玩家造成战斗伤害时,你可以抽一张牌。
- Infiltrator(#): Sir, lab reports indicate that all these green creatures are all from a parent species. 妙手:队长,实验室报告显示这些绿色异形都是从同一父代进化繁衍而来。
- New oxygenic bleaching aids not contains NaOH,its process does not need infiltrator,stabilization,chelating and purifier etc. 新型氧漂助剂不含烧碱,其工艺无需渗透剂、稳定剂、螯合剂和精练剂等。
- Traveling aboard his sleek Sith Infiltrator, Maul scouted the galaxy for the missing monarch, and reported his findings to his master. 开著他光滑的西斯渗透者,达斯.魔在银河中四处搜索失踪的女王,并把发现回报给他的师父。
- With Infiltrator, if a lock is broken, and can't normally be picked again, you can attempt to pick it again one more time. 有渗透者这个额外能力时;你可以重新尝试一次撬开已损坏的锁;包括先前使用"强行开启"弄坏的锁.
- Infiltrator(#): Satellite intel reports that the central nest is located in an abandoned factory area. We should move on. 妙手:卫星侦测发现敌人的核心基地位于一个废弃的工厂内,我们快去那儿吧。
- Infiltrator is the market leader in the manufacturing of plastic wastewater-management systems for septic leach fields and storm water, according to the firm. 渗透是市场领导者在制造塑料的废水管理系统和化粪池利奇领域雨水,根据该公司。
- The Shinobi is able to maintain a strong battlefield presence and since it is also an infiltrator, bringing a couple with you into battle has very positive consequences. 火忍有不俗的战场表现同时又是个潜入者,带一些火忍去战斗将会得到不错的战果。
- Unfortunately, your opponent has the annoying audio warning of "Enemy Infiltrator Detected" so it's best to move quickly and try to strike from a weird angle that your opponent won't be expecting. 不幸的是,你的敌人拥有烦人的声音警告“敌人潜入者被发现”因此最好快速移动并且试着从一个比较奇怪的敌人不会预料到的角度来攻击敌人。
- It is considered that the underground hot water is infiltr ated and lixiviated water, which belongs to the conductive and convective type c ontrolled by deep and large scale fault. 认为地下热水为渗入起源溶滤水,地下热水为受深大断裂控制的传导对流类型。
- Comparison of Infiltrator Barrier in Nimodipine Transdermal Therapeutic System 尼莫地平透皮吸收实验中渗透屏障的对比
- Keywords transdermal absorption;nimodipine;chitosan membranes;penetration enhancer;infiltrator barrier; 透皮吸收;尼莫地平;壳聚糖膜;透皮促进剂;渗透屏障;
- infiltratorn. 渗透者;渗入者