- The rcc package also maintains state and resource information and directs fault recovery actions. rcc 包还会维护状态和资源信息并指示故障恢复要采取的操作。
- With the fast development of internet, web has become a great, dynamic and isomerous information and resource base. 随着Internet的飞速发展,Web已经成为一个海量的、动态的、异构的信息资源库。
- With the rapid development of information and technology, metadata for land and resource information has become more and more important. 摘要国土资源信息元数据随着信息技术的飞速发展显得越来越重要。
- If interpretive visitor centers are a great aid to better tourism information and resource protection, what location and design principles are required? 若是解说游客中心有助于观光资讯和资源保护,那麽位置和设计的原则为何?
- You will discover lots of great data information and resources - Enjoy! 你会发现许多伟大的信息和数据资源享受!
- The system's producer-consumer model allows information and resource sharing between multiple controllers in the same chassis or across multiple chassis distributed via ControlNet. 系统采用生产者/消费者模式可将信息和资源通过CONTRONET分散到同级或交叉级上的多控制器中。
- Information, or meta data, about the grid service helps the system distribute information and identify requesters, providers, and their respective requirements and resource availability. 网格服务的信息或元数据可以帮助系统分配信息,并识别请求者、提供者以及他们各自的需求和可用资源。
- The writer dealt with the ETM+ image of Sinkiang Aretuobie area,which distilled the mineralized eroded information and roped the mineralized remote extent rapidity.It saved times and resource. 笔者对新疆阿热勒托别地区ETM+图像进行处理,提取矿化蚀变信息,快速圈定成矿远景区,节省时间与资源。
- The centre of city culture is in its process which rouses the culture desire inside of people and leads the culture trend of information and capital, talents and resource, fashion and consumption. 城市文化的核心内力在它自身的进程中,启动了人们内在的文化需要,并引领着信息与资金、人才与资源、时尚与消费的文化风尚。
- To gain more information and resources, please log on our website or call our toll free number as below. 获取更多资源及信息,请登陆强生视光学苑网站及拨打免费咨询热线。
- The description given here may help you to understand how information and resources could be linked. 此处给出的描述可以帮助您理解如何链接信息和资源。
- The list can provide quick and easy access to related information and resources such as other Web sites. 通过该列表,可以方便、快捷地访问相关信息和资源,如其他网站。
- From the SOA perspective, grids offer an exceptional model for the distribution of information and resources, a key feature of the SOA model. 从SOA的观点来说,网格为信息和资源的分布提供了一个异常模型,这是SOA模型的一个关键特性。
- Futuredesk. Com Jobs, careers information and resources for the interior design, product design and furniture design industries. 家具行业的职业供求咨询机构。
- Analyze the capacity and resource constraints. 生产能力和生产资源分析;
- Directory services provide the best way of naming, describing and finding information and resources in a system while managing the relationship between those resources. 目录服务提供了对系统中的信息和资源进行命名、描述和寻找的最好的方法,同时对这些资源之间的关系进行管理。
- Frank Perr is a member if the inet-promo.com team. We provide individuals and businesses with tools, information and resources for success. 你会发现有一些非常有用的指南;计算器等工具和资源来帮助你通过抵押贷款过程向你提供有价值的信息.
- Alameda Unified School District - Alameda County administration and business office information and contact numbers. School directory and resources. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Directory services provide the best way of naming,describing and finding information and resources in a system while managing the relationship between those resources. 目录服务提供了对系统中的信息和资源进行命名、描述和寻找的最好的方法,同时对这些资源之间的关系进行管理。
- By pooling our talents and resources we can make space a new frontier of peace. 如果我们把才能和资源汇合起来,就能把太空这个尚未开拓的疆域变成一个新的和平疆域。