- Infrared video images 红外视频图像
- A Two-dimensional Enhancement Algorithm and It's Real-time Implementation for Infrared Video Image 红外视频图像实时二维增强算法与实现
- Video images appear on the towers. 视频图像显现在塔上。
- An electronic device for recording and playing back video images and sound on a videocassette. 盒式磁带录像机用来录制和放送盒式录像带上的图像和声音的一种电子仪器
- Real Estate Video Imaging Systems Inc. 则聘用房地产视频影像系统公司。
- Background subtraction was used for detecting moving vessels in dock video images. 摘要通过背景差法对码头视频图像中的运动船只检测。
- Photo: Video images show ambulances at the crash scene with smoke billowing in the background. 照片:视频影像显示救护车在坠机现场的烟火弥漫中。
- Later, the video images are downloaded into a computer so the doctor can examine them and find any problems. 图像可以下载到计算机上,这样医生就能对它们进行观察,从而发现问题所在。
- And you will see a video image with rainbow following the motion. 就会看到一个视频图像,其中有彩虹跟随着运动。
- A Video Image Convolution coprocessor based on SIMD architecture. 3、基于SIMD结构的可重构图像卷积器。
- The infrared theodolite plays an important role in shooting range monitoring,and the video image interpretation directly affects the measurement precision of the infrared theodolite. 红外经纬仪在海上靶场测控中有重要作用,对红外视频图像的判读直接影响红外经纬仪的测角精度。
- A composite picture of the flow field is obtained by assembling a sequence of video images in a manner which simulates a long exposure photograph. 文中将会介绍经由组合一连串从摄影机撷取出的影像成为一个复合的流场图去模拟长时间曝光的照片。
- Infrared Video Multipath Transmission with CCD CCD红外视频多路传输器
- Experimental results show that AGRO significantly increases PSNR of recovered video images under all circumstances of video sequences. 实验表明,AGRO在各种视频流条件下都显著提高了重构视频的峰值信噪比(PSNR)。
- Infrared Video Data Imaging System 红外视频数据成像系统
- There were no confirmed Taliban casualties, but observers later spotted a funeral, and video images suggested others were killed in the aerial attacks. 目前还没有确实的塔利班人员伤亡情况,但后来一名观察员见到了一场葬礼,一些视频照片表明还有其他人在空袭中被杀。
- Infrared Video Automatic Tracking 红外视频自动跟踪
- As pink curtains parted to show video images of Barbie over the years, the first model hit the runway in a black and white bathing suit reminiscent of the first generation Barbie. 当粉红色的幕帘被拉开浮现在我们面前的是芭比这些年的模样,第一个穿着黑白相间游泳衣的芭比模型出现时让我们想起了第一代芭比。
- Real-time video image processing - frame grabber using a minimalistic approach. 实时视频图像处理--利用最少途径摄取帧。
- Vertical iso-vision system of AS-R autonomous mobile robot is designed for motion detection in RoboCup competition. Video images can be obtained by EVI-D100/P camera. 设计了AS-R自主机器人异构双目视觉系统,用于实现Robocup比赛中对足球的运动检测,视觉图像由云台摄象机EVI-D100/P采集;