- Inlays hemorrhoid 嵌顿痔
- Which Hemorrhoid Procedure Is Best? 哪里一种移除痔疮方法最好?
- Lap hemorrhoid Si end, only pure color line. 舐痔结驷,正色徒行。
- Some of the tiles have been mistakenly inlai d. (Amalienburg. 只不过有些陶片嵌错位置。
- Inlays in the forearm: 6 of Black Kamagong and Red Amboyna. 前臂的镶嵌:红青龙木镶嵌配黑边。
- Hemorrhoid: Cleanse, Natto &Propolis (external apply). 痔疮:果汁,纳豆,蜂胶(外敷)。
- A little cover-up and some hemorrhoid creamfor the swelling... 化妆遮遮瑕。再用点痔疮膏消肿...
- The building is made of fine white marble with inlays of colored marble. 整个建筑都用白色精美的大理石建成,上面镶嵌彩色的大理石。
- Aluminum mesh inlays adorn the interior and reinforce the car's sporty theme. 铝网嵌体的内部装饰和加强汽车的运动主题.
- Ring-work: Phenolic rings all the way around with 8 inlays into each ring. 装饰环工艺:石碳酸。每道环中有八枚镶嵌。
- She inlays the edge steel about 30 percent of the way through the body steel. 她镶嵌在体内钢的30路钢材百分之边缘。
- CONCLUSION: Targis posterior inlays is a good newly developed prosthesis. 结论:超瓷聚体嵌体是一种较好的新型牙体修复体。
- Chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, pregnancy, and portal hypertension enhance hemorrhoid formation. 慢性便秘、慢性腹泻、怀孕和门静脉高压均能刺激痔形成。
- Taoyuan Chinese dining hall is carved railings and jade inlays, simple and elegant . 桃园中餐厅,雕栏彩屏、古朴典雅。
- Hemorrhoid (or pile) :Mass formed by distension of the network of veins supplying the anal canal. 痔:肛管黏膜下或齿状线以下的皮下静脉网扩张形成团块。
- When I have a bowel movement, I have terrible pain, so I'm afraid I have a hemorrhoid. 我排便时很痛,所以我担心我得了痔疮。
- Hemorrhoid (or pile) : Mass formed by distension of the network of veins supplying the anal canal. 痔:肛管黏膜下或齿状线以下的皮下静脉网扩张形成团块。
- Discussion: Art Forms, Inlays, Mosaics, Stencils, Art in the context of its time. 讨论:艺术形式,镶嵌,拼图,模板,所处时代背景中的艺术
- Hemorrhoid (or pile) :Mass formed by distension of the network of veins supplying the anal canal . 痔:肛管黏膜下或齿状线以下的皮下静脉网扩张形成团块。
- Conclusion:Stapled haemorrhoidectomy is a safe, effective procedure for severe hemorrhoid with short... 结论:吻合器痔切除术安全、有效,住院时间短,恢复快,是治疗重度痔疗效优越的一种微创手术。