- Innovation leading the wo rld 创新引领世界
- All of these made up the most beautiful picture in the wo rld. 这一切形成了一幅世间最美好的画面。
- Since the beginuing of the 20 century the trend of agin g has quickened it steps in the wo rld. 进入 2 0世纪以后 ,老龄化趋势在世界范围内加快了步伐。
- The paper looks back the achivements of modern TCM,during the period of reform and open to the wo rld. 回顾了中医药在改革开放以后所取得的成就;
- The Wo rld Wide Web is being developed into semantic Web. Once it has been completed,t he internet will be more intelligent and more effective. 语义Web是worldwideweb的发展方向,它的实现能有效地提高互联网的智能化程度,进而提高其使用效率。
- F ree of earth ly wo rries,I care no th ing abou t the cycle of the season s andkeep an unb iased view tow ards the wo rld. 由于英汉两种语言的不同语义特点、句式结构和文化差异,翻译时稍有不慎,就会造成措辞的失当、语气的欠妥和句式重心的偏移。作为译者,必须对此加以足够的重视,尽量准确地传达出原文的精神风貌。
- Th e scale of Zheng He?s navigation far exceeds that of Columbia?s "Great Disco v ery" which followed, but the former had less effect on the progress of the wo rld history. 郑和下西洋的规模远远大于后来的哥伦布之辈的“地理大发现” ,但对于世界历史进程的影响则远逊于后者。
- Han nationality is the largest nationality in China and even in the wo rld, but its study had been neglected by the academic fields home and abroad for a long time. 汉民族是我国乃至世界上最大的民族 ,而关于汉民族的研究 ,长期以来却被国内学术界所忽视 ,汉民族史常被淹没在通史和断代史研究之中。
- The removal of mercury reduces the senso ry disto rtion and overload, making the wo rld a safer, mo re readily understood, and mo re tolerable place again. 清除汞减少感觉扭曲和过载,使得这个世界更安全,更容易理解,更能够被忍受。
- There is no question that the faculty, the alumni, the students, and the benefacto rs of Harvard have used their power to improve the lives of people here and around the wo rld. 毫无疑问,哈佛的老师、校友、学生和资助者,已经用他们的能力改善了全世界各地人们的生活。
- The man had the quality for leading the people. 那个人具备领导民众的才能。
- However, as the accounting situation varies a lot around the wo rld , there are great differences in the Consolidated Financial Statement and it s practices and it is the same case with the extent of consolidation. 世界各国由于会计环境不同,合并会计报表理论和实务呈现出较大的差异性,合并范围也不相同。
- We need someone with real vision to lead the party. 我们需要具有真知灼见的人来领导这个党。
- The pipes lead the water into the fields. 这些管道把水引到田里。
- Our scientists are leading the way in space research. 我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处於领先地位。
- The officer leading the inquiry has been taken off the case. 主持调查该事的官员已被调离。
- He made these confessions to lead the police up the garden path. 他说出这些口供,是为了让警察产生错觉。
- Moses led the children of Israel out of the Egypt. 摩西率领以色列的子民离开了埃及。
- Lead the way with the police dog; he'll soon smell the fellow out. 带着警犬领路吧,它马上会把好家伙的行踪嗅出来。
- They had led the country into economic disaster. 他们把国家带入了经济灾难中。