- European Monetary Union is the typical model of the financial development from inside to outside. 欧洲货币联盟是金融发展内外协调运行中的典型形态。
- Internal filtration style means the dusty gas flows from inside to outside of the bag to collect the dust. 内滤式是指含尘气流由袋内流向袋外,利用滤袋内侧捕集粉尘。
- The repeated thrust applications at apoapsis would raise periapsis from inside to outside the stationary orbit. 重复在远心点施以推力,会将近心点由同步轨道内提升到同步轨道外。
- It can go deep into cell effectively, fade darkening, promote metabolism and blood circulation and make skin white and shining from inside to outside. 含有三十倍的美白成分的毫微囊球,有效地深入细胞内层,抑制酪胺酸酶的活性,淡化斑点,加速细胞吸氧功能,促进新陈代谢,使肌肤洋溢着由内而外的白皙和透明。
- So, surrounding the tauren dwellings is a wall made of great logs and granite boulders that twists in winding corridors from inside to outside. 因此,牛头人的住宅周围环绕着一面由大圆木和大花岗岩石造的墙,其中蜿蜒着从内通向外的通风回廊。
- Promote circulation, make skin full vitality, open skin's water cycle access, supply trace mineral ions, moisten skin from inside to outside. 促进循环,令肌肤充满活力,打开肌肤水循环通道,补充微量矿物离子,由内到外滋润肌肤。
- You sufffings could help you reprofile youself,which make you become a stronger and better finger from inside to outside. 你的疾苦能帮助你重塑自己;他们使你从里到外成为一个更强大更美好的人。
- Urges the flesh collogen production, reverses the flesh to get older the speed.From inside to outside sends out the flesh the favor light to pick. 促使肌肤胶原蛋白生成,逆转肌肤老化速度。从内到外散发肌肤的润泽光采。
- The hardness and wear resistance of Al-16% Si alloy FGM de crease gradually from inside to outside of the specimens, and change in gradient. 在外层一定厚度内,完全不含初晶硅;硬度分布为内层硬度较高,由内向外硬度逐渐减小,呈梯度分布;耐磨性由内向外呈梯度下降趋势。
- It can restore youthful skin ,firm the skin and restore its elasticity. It can help demonstrate your glamour from inside to outside. 重现青春美肤,紧实肌肤并恢复润泽弹性,让您有内而外散发动力魅力!
- Finally, former researches on design and change of OE and on OC were focused on internal corporation and used the thought of from inside to outside. 从而造成大多数企业顾客价值管理计划难以实施以及整体成效并不理想。
- Your sufffings could help you reprofile youself,which make you become a stronger and better figure from inside to outside. 你的疾苦能帮助你重塑自己;他们使你从里到外成为一个更强大更美好的人。
- Walk on the inside to avoid the traffic fumes. 在人行道的内侧走,避开车辆的废气。
- Beneath the corrosion products,inner surface of the elbows existed micro cracks from inside to outside inter-granularly,which displayed the characteristic of hydrogen corrosion. 三相微粒流造成已形成的腐蚀膜剥离,并使因氢蚀后形成晶界裂纹失去联系的晶粒与金属分离;
- Tomalia of the Michigan Molecular Institute in Midland fashioned the first of these intriguing structures.A dendrimer molecule branches successively from inside to outside. 20年前,美国密西根州密德兰市密西根分子研究所的托马里亚,制造出第一批这种让人感兴趣的构造。
- Beneath the corrosion products, inner surface of the elbows existed micro cracks from inside to outside inter-granularly, which displayed the characteristic of hydrogen corrosion. 腐蚀产物覆盖下的内壁表面管材基体形成由内向外的微裂纹,沿晶开裂,呈现氢腐蚀特征;
- The tubal wall of oviduct is composed of four parts, mucous menmbrane, mucous membrane underlayer, chorion underlayer and chorion layer, separating from inside to outside. 管壁从内到外分别由粘膜层、粘膜下层、浆膜下层和浆膜层4部分组成。
- The "from inside to outside" cracking is easily formed in the sluice pier when its temperature drop;shrinkage was constrained by the sluice floor during later construction. 摘要闸墩中心的混凝土在施工后期,由于温度降低而产生收缩,当其受到底板的强约束时就会产生较大的拉应力,容易形成“由里及表”型裂缝。
- Bad hook always come from a series of wrong action: First, your coax sway toward target direction when down swing, which causes large space between the club and your back and swing through wholly from inside to outside. 严重的左曲球通常来自一连串的错误动作:首先,开始下杆时,髋部过猛地向着目标方向摆动,致使球杆与身后的间隔过大,造成了完全从里到外的挥杆轨迹。
- Usually she walked straight inside to her own desk. 通常她会径直走到里间自己的办公桌前。