- Inspector of Royal Engineers 皇家工兵检查官
- Inspector of Royal Field Artillery 皇家野战炮兵检查官
- Adjutant to the Corps of Royal Engineers 皇家工兵部队副官
- A diadem was worn as sign of royal power. 戴着的皇冠是王权的象征。
- The organizer was familiar with the protocol of royal visits. 组织者熟悉国王出访的礼仪。
- He's in the Royal Engineers, ie a branch of the British Army. 他在皇家工兵部队服役(英国陆军的兵种).
- The inspector of taxes has assessed you income for the year1974-1975 at£3,000. 税务视察员已将你1974—1975年度的收入估计为3,000镑。
- All of his relations were a sort of Royal Family. 他的家族都是皇亲国戚。
- The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage! 这一事件理所当然地堪称是国王间谍活动的的独一无二的史诗。
- An inspector of turns may operate one of the buttons. 转身检查员可以操作其中的一个按钮。
- Krut Pha in Thailand is a sign of Royal family. 克拉特帕哈在泰国是皇室的标志。
- The young man springs of royal stock. 那个年轻人出身王室。
- The title of Royal Highness is borne by the Duke of Edinburgh. 皇家殿下这个称呼是由爱丁堡公爵创造的。
- The inspector of Taxes has agreed your return of income . 税务稽查员已经认可你的所得税申报表。
- An inspector of Taxes will come to our company tomorrow. 明天我们公司要来一位税务稽查员。
- No. It's too strong for me. I want two bottles of Royal Jelly. 不,鹿茸太强烈了。我要两瓶蜂王浆。
- In 1855 she was made Inspector of all hospitals in the Crimea. 1855年她被任命为克里米亚所有医院的监察员。
- The inspector of Taxes has agreed your return of income. 税务稽查员已经认可你的所得税申报表。
- Directorate of Royal Engineers 皇家工兵局
- In 1855 she was made Inspector of all hospitals in the Crimea . 1855年她被任命为克里米亚所有医院的监察员。