- His knowledge of history exceeds mine. 他的历史知识超过我。
- Scientific Research Institute of Automation Equipment name after V.S. Semenihin has 50 years of history in development and creation of the automated Systems, including the newest Telemedicine complex. 该研究所有50年研制专用自动化系统的发展历史,包括最新型的“电视医疗”设备。
- In 1928 he was dispatched to lead to investigate the Lolos in Yunnan by the Institute of Philology and History in Sun Yat-sen University and the Institute of History and Philology in Academia Sinica. 1928年,他奉中山大学语言历史学研究所和中央研究院历史语言研究所合派,率队赴云南调查罗罗。
- No one can hold back the wheel of history. 谁也无法阻止历史车轮的前进。
- Institute of History and Philology, Academia SinicaThe Huai river formed the Song Dynasty’s front line of defense against the Jin Mongol, along which were arrayed the major border forces. 南宋时代,淮河是宋朝防御金蒙的前线,也是边防布置的主力所在。
- The people are the makers of history. 人民是历史的创造者。
- Which period of history are you studying? 你正在学哪一段历史?
- One of the seven tortoise plastrons obtained in the Institute of History and Philology's 9th excavation of the Yin ruins in 1934, this oracular inscription belongs to the third or fourth period. 中央研究院历史语言研究所1934年殷虚第9次发掘所得大龟七版之一,属第三、四期间的卜辞。
- Nobody can roll back the wheel of history. 没有人能够倒转历史的车轮。
- The pages of history are inscribed with their names. 历史的记载写上了他们的名字。
- His brother-in-law is a lecturer of history. 他的姊夫是大学历史讲师。
- No sociologist can say that there has been at any period of history anything comparable to this fine institution of Islam. 没有一个社会学家敢说任&%2320309;历史时期,有什么可以比得上伊斯兰的这一完美制度。
- Let me premise my argument with a bit of history. 让我引述一些史实作为我立论的前提。
- This is Ms. Lin of Beijing Institute of Physics. 这是北京物理研究所的林女士。
- At any period of history it is the unemployed who find life to be a bed of thorns. 无论在哪一个历史时期,感到生活是一种煎熬的总是失业者。
- Attended the Annual Meeting and Academic Seminar of the Institution of History of Legal System under Chinese Legal History Association, 1992, in Yantai, Shandong. 1992年,山东烟台,中国法律史学会法律制度史研究会年会暨学术研讨会。
- Technical Institute of Helsinki: Helsinki; f.1881. 赫尔辛基技术学院:赫尔辛基;1916年成立。
- Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Ltd. 香港生物科技研究院有限公司
- Nobody can turn back the wheel of history. 任何人都无法使历史车轮倒转。
- Institute of Botany, St Petersburg ? 圣彼得堡植物学研究所