- Interactive physics teaching 互动物理
- How to Cultivate innovation ability in physics teaching? 如何在物理教学中培养创新能力?
- Role playing provides fine chances for students development and has distinctive rules in physics teaching. 角色扮演为物理教学和学生全面发展提供了良好的平台 ,在物理教学中具有独特的价值。
- One of the duties in Physics teaching is to consciously train students dialectical ability. 自觉培养学生的辩证思维能力,是物理学科的重要职责之一。
- Experiment is an important means of physics teaching it couldn't be substitutive to other teaching methods. 实验是物理教学的一种重要手段,它是其它教学方法不能替代的。
- Teachers at the Physics Teaching Research Office are discussing how to teach with the new textbook. 物理教研室的老师正在探讨新教材的教法。
- Since then, He engaged in physics teaching and research work, and began to research the history of science. 从此,他在从事物理学教学和研究之余,又开始进入科技史研究新领域。
- This article mainly illustrated the thoughts about the reform mode in medical physics teaching. 本文主要阐述在医学物理学教学中教学模式改革的体会。
- The equivalent substitution thought is a common research method in physics and the whole physics teaching in a middle school is penetrated with it. 摘要等效替代思想是物理学中常用的研究方法,贯穿于整个中学物理教学之中。
- From the quantum theory of atomic structure, the adaptability of Hund's rules in atomic physics teaching is discussed in depth. 根据原子结构的量子理论,对原子物理教学中洪特定则的适应范围进行了较深入的讨论,并对过去某些文献中未能澄清的问题进行了理论上的说明;
- Lorenz is an educator, he Leiden University in physics and theoretical physics teaching for many years, wrote calculus and physics textbooks general. 洛伦兹还是一位教育家,他在莱顿大学从事普通物理和理论物理教学多年,写过微积分和普通物理等教科书。
- The labs of physics teaching, computer and language have passed the assessment made by the Ministry of Reginal Education in 2002. 物理基础课教学实验室、计算机实验室和语言实验室于2002年通过了自治区教育厅组织的普通高校基础课程教学实验室合格评估。
- To strengthen the cultivation of image thinking can improve students' ability to learn physics, thereby enhancing the efficiency of physics teaching. 摘要加强形象思维培育,可提高学生的物理学习能力,从而提高物理课教学效率。
- At the same time, teachers are expected more in the junior physics teaching with emotion filtrated and emotion inspired. 同时,初中物理教学中渗透情感教育注重情感激励也对教师提出了新的要求。
- Chapter Four: The communicating and experiencing principle are the basic ones in aesthetics permeating through physics teaching. 第四章论述了交流性原则,体验性原则等是物理教学中渗透美育的基本原则。
- Mother and baby interact in a very complex way. 母亲与婴儿以非常复杂的方式相互影响。
- The problems and principles are listed while designing exercises in physics teaching under the new standard of curricula. 本文主要论述在新课程标准下物理教学中练习设计应该注意的问题和原则。
- The last part demonstrates the construction path of individuating physics teaching and learning resource at accumulation and ingenuity angle. 最后一部分从积累和创新的角度谈了个性化物理教学资源建设的途径问题。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- This paper proposes seine suitable reform measures of physics teaching by analyzing the present situation in physics teaching. 摘要通过对保山师专大学物理的现状分析,提出并尝试切合保山师专校大学物理教学的一些改革措施。