- Interest Income Taxation 利息税
- What types of interest income are exempted? 甚么种类的利息收入可获免税?
- Progressive income taxation will tend to lower the amount of risk-taking. 累进所得税将趋于降低风险。
- EU income taxation law is composed of EC Treaty,secondary legislations of EU institutions and case law of ECJ. 欧盟所得税是协调成员国所得税法的欧共体基础条约、二级立法以及欧洲法院判例的总称。
- Exempt interest income earned locally from profits tax with immediate effect. 由即时起,在本地赚取的利息收入豁免缴交利得税。
- What happens if the company has more than one type of interest income? 如公司有多于一种的利息收入,应如何填报?
- The EU income taxation law is composed of the EC Treaty, secondary legiSlation of the EU institutions and case law of the ECJ. 欧盟所得税法指协调成员国所得税法的欧共体基础条约、二级立法以及欧洲法院判例的总称。
- The heavy reliance on income taxation is compounded by the narrowness of the tax base, thanks to oodles of complexity-inducing deductions. 原译:美国大量依赖于所得税,更糟糕的是,大量减税措施使税收系统越来越复杂,税基越来越小。
- However, this article reexamines the relationship between the optimal supply of public goods and the distortionary cost of income taxation. 本文重新考察了税收的扭曲效应和公共支出最优规模之间的关系。
- Through analyzing the impacts of personal income tax on pre and post Gini coefficient, the income distribution effects of personal income taxation policy are investigated. 摘要通过分析征税行为对征税前后的基尼系数的影响,讨论了个人所得税的收入分配效应。
- It is sure in the negative income taxation that raising the rate of income taxation encourages honest taxpayer, and is not clear and indefinite under other circumstances. 所得税税率对申报收入的影响在“负所得税“制度情形下,才会有利于鼓励诚实纳税,在其他情形下是不确定的;罚款率和查获概率的提高有助于减少逃税。
- The profitability of banks improved due to higher net interest income and income from fees and commissions. 由于净息差上升及来自费用与佣金的收入增加,银行盈利改善。
- Net Interest Margin The difference between interest income and interest expenses, divided by average earning assets. 利息收入以及利息开支之间的差额除以盈利资产平均值。
- This factor had outweighed the positive effect of net interest income, thus leading to a decline in the Backing Ratio. 这项因素抵销了净利息收入的正面效应,导致支持比率下跌。
- Large holdings of cash assets clearly decrease profits because of the opportunity loss of interest income. 大量持有现金资产减少了获得利息收益的机会,因而投资收益一定会降低。
- Is it necessary to find out the amount for interest income so included and enter it in this box? 是否须找出利息收入款额,填在此栏内?
- In addition, the rise in funding costs was reflected in only sluggish growth in net interest income. 此外,资金成本上涨,亦导致净利息收入仅录得微幅增长。
- Interest income is recognized on a time proportion basis that takes into account the effective yield on the asset. 利息收入乃根据时间比例作基准按该等资产之有效收益确认。
- MUFG gets more interest income from its Wall Street prize for the same money thanks to the prefs’ 10 per cent yield. 由于摩根士丹利优先股的收益率为10%25,三菱UFJ的付款将获得更高利息收入。
- But if none of the arms set to float this year were refinanced, net interest income would still be positive. 但是如果这些被要求调整的人没有重新申请贷款,净利息收入还是正的。