- International Maritime Court 国际海事法院
- Theory and practice of the international maritime delimitation II. 国际海洋划界的理论与实践2。
- The specific quantity thereof shall be determined by the maritime court. 具体数额由海事法院决定。
- BALTIME 1939 The Baltic& International Maritime Conference Uniform Time...charter 1939 1939年波罗地海海运会议的统一期租约...
- A maritime court that orders to auction a ship shall issue a public notice through newspapers or other new media. 第三十二条海事法院裁定拍卖船舶,应当通过报纸或者其他新闻媒体发布公告。
- B/ L is the most important document in the international maritime goods transpo rt. 提单是国际海上货物运输中最重要的单据。
- The ship auction committee shall be responsible to the maritime court and subject to supervision of the maritime court. 拍卖船舶委员会对海事法院负责,受海事法院监督。
- If the parties raise any objections, the maritime court shall determine to accept them or not. 当事人提出异议的,由海事法院决定是否采纳。
- After the delivery of the ship is finished, the maritime court shall issue an order releasing the arrest of the ship. 移交船舶完毕,海事法院发布解除扣押船舶命令。
- Charts books, system of names, International Hydrographic Organization and International Maritime Organization. 关于海图书籍、地理名称、国际水道测量组织和国际海事组织。
- The agreement on the repayment of debt shall be legally effective upon the approval by an order of the maritime court. 受偿协议经海事法院裁定认可,具有法律效力。
- The International Maritime Organization, for example, has overseen the tightening of regulations on oil transportation. 例如,国际海洋组织已开始对于严格执行石油运输的管理规定实行监督。
- A maritime claimant applying for a maritime injunction shall submit a written application to a maritime court. 第五十四条海事请求人申请海事强制令,应当向海事法院提交书面申请。
- A maritime claimant applying for maritime evidence preservation shall submit a written application to a maritime court. 第六十五条海事请求人申请海事证据保全,应当向海事法院提交书面申请。
- Water vessel shipments must also be prepared in accordance with International Maritime Organization (IMO)regulations. 水运还要遵守国际海运组织(IMO)的规定。
- A maritime court may, in accepting a maritime preservation application, order the claimant to provide a guaranty. 第十六条海事法院受理海事请求保全申请,可以责令海事请求人提供担保。
- As an important developing country,China is well aware of its responsibilities and obligations concerning international maritime affairs. 中国作为一个重要的发展中国家,深知自己在国际海洋事务方面担负的责任和义务。
- The maritime court shall make a reconsideration decision within five days of receiving the reconsideration application. 海事法院应当在收到复议申请之日起五日内作出复议决定。
- The modes and quantity of a guaranty provided by a maritime claimant shall be determined by the maritime court. 第七十五条海事请求人提供的担保,其方式、数额由海事法院决定。
- Water vessel shipments must also be prepared in accordance with the International Maritime Organization (IMO)regulations. 水运还要遵守国际海运组织(imo)的规定。