- Convention relative to the Establishment of an International Prize Court; 关于建立国际捕获法院公约;
- International Prize Court 国际捕获法院
- She was on the shortlist for the first Man Booker International Prize in 2005. 2005年,她被第一届布克奖提名。
- Although it had won several international prizes. 尽管获得了一些国际奖项。
- The 30,000 pound international prize is awarded for the best novel of the year written in English by a woman. 这个奖金高达三万英镑的国际奖项是颁发给女作家创作的年度最佳英语小说的。
- The constitution for honor systems, the setup of international prize the motivation to harmonious and healthy development in society. 建奖励平台、设国际大奖,促动和谐社会健康发展。
- In 1996 professional Tibetan literature and art works and performances won one international prize and 10 national prizes. 1996年,西藏专业文学艺术和表演作品获国外大奖1个,全国性奖10个。
- His many prizes include the Cosmos International Prize, the Nakayama Prize for Human Science and the Shakespeare Prize for Distinguished Contributions to British Culture. 他是英国皇家科学院及文学院的双重院士,且获颁许多大奖,包括日本的国际环境和谐奖与中山人类科学奖,以及对英国文化有杰出贡献的莎士比亚奖;
- Judgments of the High Prize Court of the Republic of China 高等捕获审检厅判决书汇编
- Neustadt International Prize for Literature; 诺伊施塔特国际文学奖;
- International Prize Fairy Dramatic Film 国际奖剧情片
- The fire vehicle driven by itself-probing extinguishing and fire fighting robot won many international prizes at Hongkong、Genevese、London,etc. 企业自主研发的无人驾驶车-侦察灭火消防机器人获中国国家专利,并于2002年获香港、日内瓦、英国伦敦、世界尤里卡国防发明博览会奖等多个国际奖项。
- Life Is Beautiful is the sixth film Benigni has directed, and his greatest success, taking 28 international prizes since its release in December 1997 in addition to the Grand Jury Prize at Cannes. 《美丽人生》是贝尼尼执导的第六部影片,也是最成功的一部,自1997年12月上映以来已经获得了戛纳电影节评委会大奖及其以外的28个国际奖项。
- Any of the six international prizes awarded annually by the Nobel Foundation for outstanding achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and economics and for the promotion of world peace. 诺贝尔奖由诺贝尔基金组织每年为在物理、化学、心理或医学、文学、经济领域以及为维持世界和平作出突出贡献者颁发的六项国际大奖之一
- The kidnapping caused an international incident. 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- The country violated the international agreement. 这个国家违反了国际协议。
- They have created a number of literary and artistic works and programs which have a strong national flavor and reflect the features of our age,and some of their works have won international prizes. 他们创作了一批具有浓郁民族风格和强烈时代气息的文艺作品和节目,有些作品还在国际上获奖。
- That is a great international question of the day. 那是当代的一个重大国际问题。
- The cast of the play included a international star. 这个剧的演员名单中有一位国际明星。
- Why do we need an International Criminal Court? 我们为何需要一个国际刑事法院?