- International Drug standards 国际药品标准
- Persons involved in organized international drug trafficking. 参与有组织的国际贩毒活动的。
- It fails in any other way to comply with stipulated drug standards. 其他不符合药品标准规定的。
- Other cases where the drug standards are not complied with. (六)其他不符合药品标准规定的。
- It analyses the world drug abuse situation and develops proposals to strengthen international drug control. 该委员会分析全世界的药物滥用情况并拟订加强国际药物管制的建议。
- A drug with content not up to the National Drug Standards is a drug of inferior quality. 药品成份的含量不符合国家药品标准的,为劣药。
- As to whether the Dutch system could become an institutional model to deal with international drug problems, we still need to wait and see. 然而,荷兰的这一体制能否推广成为国际社会解决毒品问题的主流制度模式,还需要拭目以待。
- Next week ministers from around the world gather in Vienna to set international drug policy for the next decade. 下周,来自世界各地的大臣们会聚在维也纳,为下个十年设定国际毒品政策。
- Drug standards and quality standards for some medical devices are compulsorily applied nationwide. 药品标准和部分医疗器械质量标准属于国家强制性标准。
- Drug crimes become more and more rampant in our country due to influence and permeance of international drug crimes. 由于国际毒品犯罪活动的影响和渗透,我国的毒品犯罪活动越来越猖獗,且呈蔓延之势。
- A drug name listed in the National Drug Standards is an adopted name in China. Such an adopted name is not permitted to be used as a trademark. 列入国家药品标准的药品名称为药品通用名称。已经作为药品通用名称的,该名称不得作为药品商标使用。
- These include bonded servitude, forced prostitution and the use of children in warfare and the international drug trade. 我们必须站出来大声疾呼,反对这种恶行。
- The Pharmacopoeia Committee of the department of the State Council administering health is the body responsible for handling the setting and revision of national drug standards. 国务院卫生行政部门的药典委员会负责组织国家药品标准的制定和修订。
- The UN International Drug Control Programme provides leadership in the global struggle against illicit drugs. 联合国国际药物管制规划署领导打击非法药物的全球斗争。
- The drug regulatory agency of the State Council shall organize a pharmacopoeia commission, which shall be responsible for formulating and revising the National Drug Standards. 国务院药品监督管理部门组织药典委员会,负责国家药品标准的制定和修订。
- In early 2006, Dr Lee met with Dr Philippe Douste-Blazy, France's Minister of Foreign Affairs, and pledged WHO's support to the International Drug Purchase Facility. 李博士最近会晤了法国外交部长菲利普·杜斯特·布拉齐博士并保证世卫组织对国际药品采购机制的支持。
- The Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) was designated as the official Japanese drug standard by The Pharmaceutical Administration Law of Japan. (jp)是日本《药事法》中规定的日本药品的法定标准。
- Techdow, a cGMP certified manufacturer of the LMWH APIs and finished products with reliable technologies and abundant experience in international drug regulatory affairs. 深圳市天道医药有限公司是一家符合国家GMP认证的低分子肝素原料和制剂生产商。我们拥有成熟可靠的生产工艺和国际药政管理及注册方面的丰富经验。
- USP Dictionary of USAN (United States Adopted Names) and International Drug Names. Rockville, MD: United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 2003. ISBN: 1889788112. 罗列了已经经过批准以及正在研究的药物,包括厂家登记注册的编号、名称、分子量、摩尔质量、以及结构式等。
- Some progress has been made in pharmacovigilance and it has also been facing some challenges since the statement of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring in 1968. 1968年WHO药品不良反应监测合作计划组织成立以来,药品不良反应监测取得了一定的进展,也面临着新的挑战。