- Internet user accountprovider 因特网用户账号提供者
- Knowbie:(a knowledgeable and experienced Internet user. ) 大虾谐音自大侠,形容网络高手。
- Most Internet users are fed up with advertising. 大多数上网的人都受够了广告。
- Then came the World Wide Web and the dramatic expansion of the Internet user base. 后来出现了环球网(简称www),互联网用户群急剧扩张。
- Dr Xue established the first Internet User Organization in China with the support of the Internet Society of China. 得中国互联网协会的支持,薜博士在中国成立了首个互联网用户组织。
- Status Offline A canny Canadian internet user showed the potential of online trading systems by gradually bartering a paperclip into a three-bedroomed house. 一位精明的加拿大网民用区别针逐渐交换到一所三卧室的大房子,显示了互联网交易的潜力。
- If not, it is something you should be aware of, because every internet user is susceptible to it. 如果没有,那么你就要提高警惕了,因为每个互联网用户都易受其害。
- Furthermore, junk e-mails cause troubles for Internet users. 此外,垃圾邮件也给网民带来麻烦。
- A: Before getting connected with the Internet, an Internet user must apply for an account and a password from an ISP. 用户上网前,必需象一家ISP申请一个上网帐号和密码。
- The number of Internet users has been increasing in the past years. 过去几年来,互联网用户的数量一直在上升。
- How many internet users are there in your university? 你们学校有多少人上互联网?
- Internet users declare this day as the official Caps Lock Day. 2002年的今天,互联网用户宣布此日为官方的“大写锁定日”。
- Most Internet users have one or more E-mail addresses. 大多数因特网用户有一个或几个电子邮件地址。
- Internet users are finding a new way to shop online. 网际网路用户发现一个新方式在网上购物。
- Internet users have voted overwhelmingly in favor of new holidays. 压倒多数的网民投票支持新的假日政策。
- This product aims to remove for broad Internet user even more serious " fryer " minatory. 该产品旨在为广大互联网用户解除越发严重的“肉鸡”威胁。
- If you configure another Windows user account as the Internet Guest Account, the Internet user runs under the identity of that account. 如果其他Windows用户帐户被配置为Internet来宾帐户,则Internet用户在该帐户的标识下运行。
- An Internet user plays the same role as an ant in an ant colony such that it is able to follow and spread pheromones on the routes to the food sources. 网际网路上的使用者在蚂蚁演算法中扮演的脚色就像是一只蚂蚁,可以跟随费洛蒙找到食物和在路径上留下费洛蒙。
- Host: Thanks for singing a few lines of the newest single. First, I want to ask AIAI [ Ai ] The internet user calls you AiAi, do you like it? 主持人赵宁:谢谢,谢谢早安少女组带来这一段小小的音乐。先来问一问爱爱,因为我们中国的网友朋友叫你爱爱。喜欢吗?
- A canny(7) Canadian internet user showed the potential of online trading systems by gradually bartering(8) a paperclip into a three-bedroomed house. 一位精明的加拿大网民用区别针逐渐交换到一所三卧室的大房子,显示了互联网交易的潜力。