- Intranuclear tubule 核内小管
- Note the mauve to pink intranuclear inclusions. 图示细胞核内可见紫红色的包含体。
- Intranuclear inclusions were difficult to visualize. 核内包涵体不易见到。
- Simple cuboidal epithelium lining a tubule (longitudinal cut). 管腔纵切面:单层立方上皮衬于管腔内。
- After that, he slowly ran warm water on her arm from a tubule. 然后接一根细管子从她手臂上不断地缓缓流出温水来。
- The distal end of the kinetochore tubule is firmly embedded in the pole. 着丝点微管的末端牢牢地埋入纺锤极。
- The function of renal tubule has important influence on bone metabolism. 肾小管功能对骨代谢有重要影响。
- Fanconi syndrome is a type of renal tubule disease found in Basenjis. 范可尼综合征是一种发现于贝吉生犬的肾小管疾病。
- The MSCs protect the renal tubule cells from apoptosis induced by cisplatin. 直接共培养较间接共培养肾小管上皮细胞数量增加更为明显。
- Notice the mauve to pink homogenous intranuclear inclusions in the epithelial cells of the epidermis. 注意存在于表皮上皮细胞的淡紫色及粉红色的核内包涵体。
- Biopsies of these lesions reveals intranuclear inclusions in squamous epithelial cells indicative of herpes simplex virus esophagitis. 病变活检显示,鳞状上皮细胞核内包涵体提示为单纯疱疹病毒性食管炎。
- The contribution of intranuclear radionuclides to mean absorbed dose was larger than that of extranuclear ones. 细胞核内的核素对细胞核吸收剂量的贡献远大于细胞质中的核素。
- Moreover,intranuclear pseuonucleus inclusions and deficiency of cellular junction among tumor cells were found. 瘤细胞核核内假性包涵体;瘤细胞间缺乏细胞连接。
- There was no difference between the expression of ESM-1 in normal renal tubule epithelia and in the cancer cells. ESM鄄1的表达在正常肾小管上皮细胞与肾癌细胞无显著差异;
- In situ hybridization of HPV 6/11 DNA intranuclear hybridization signals were found in all cases. 原位杂交法在所有病例的组织片上成功地呈现细胞核内人类乳头状瘤病毒第6型/第11型DNA的杂交讯号。
- The pink intranuclear inclusions in the erythroid precursors seen here are characteristic for parvovirus infection. 红细胞前体内的粉红色核内包涵体是微小病毒感染的典型特征。
- Simple cuboidal epithelium lining a tubule (longitudinal cut). Some of the cell boundaries between "blocks" or "cubes" here are quite distinct. 管腔纵切面:单层立方上皮衬于管腔内。一些立方细胞之间的边界相当清晰明显。
- Nephron included renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), medullary loop, distal convoluted tubule(DCI), and connected tubule. 肾单位包括肾小球、近曲小管、髓袢、远曲小臂和连接小管5部分。
- Proliferating cell nuclear antigen ( PCNA) is also called cyclin, a kind of intranuclear protein, which is a assistant protein of DNase. 增殖细胞核抗原(Proliferating cell nuclear antigen PCNA)又称周期蛋白。
- In nephrotic rats, the rate of uptake of albumin by the proximal tubule (PT) is decreased. 而在肾病综合症大鼠中,近曲小管(PT)对白蛋白的摄取速率被减弱。