- Intravenous drug users are in a high-risk category for hepatitis C. 静脉注射毒品的人是患丙型肝炎的高危人。
- The vast majority are attributed to intravenous drug use, and most of those infected are under age30. 绝大多数都是因为静脉注射毒品造成,且大多数感染的人在30岁以下。
- ObjectiveIn order to assess the infection condition of H BV,HCV,HGV,HSV and CMY in Intravenous Drug Users (IVDUs). 目的 调查静脉药瘾者主要血源传播病毒HBV、HCV、HGV、巨细胞病毒 (CMV)和单纯疱疹病毒 (HSV)的感染率。
- In the past, only intravenous drug users and prostitutes were considered at-risk or high-risk groups. 在过去,仅仅是静脉注射的吸毒者和妓女被认为是危险人群或高危人群。
- Objective: To explore the clinical characteristic of endocarditis in intravenous drug abusers (EIDA). 目的:探讨静脉药瘾者心内膜炎(EIDA)的临床特点。
- Methods Forty-eight intravenous drug users (IDUs) were interviewed by using questionnaires. 方法对四川省某市戒毒所内强制或自愿接受戒毒的48人进行问卷调查。
- One patient admitted to intravenous drug use (IVDU) and a second was suspected of IVDU. 其中一个病人承认自己是静脉吸毒者,另一个病人被怀疑是静脉吸毒者。
- The project is to provide intravenous drug users syringes so as not to cross their use, transmission of AIDS. 这项工程是为静脉吸毒人员提供注射器,以免他们交叉使用,传染艾滋病。
- Background: Intravenous drug users (IVDU’s) are at high risk of acquiring Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. 背景: 静脉药瘾者(IVDU)是丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的高危人群。
- The study showed that77.6 percent of the intravenous drug users were sexually active, with only18.7 percent using condoms during sex. 研究显示,77.;6%25经由静脉注射毒品者性生活活跃,仅18
- Experts forecast growing epidemics in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, as a result of intravenous drug use and commercial sex. 专家预测印尼和新几内亚的疫情将因静脉注射毒品和性交易而日益扩大。
- Methods Serum samples were collected from 85 intravenous drug abusers (IVDAs), 80 patients with liver diseases (PLDs) and 50 blood donors (BDs). 方法 静脉药瘾者 (IVDAs) 85份、肝病患者 (PLDs) 80份和献血员 (BDs) 5 0份血清标本 ,用PCR法检测庚型肝炎病毒RNA ,EIA法检测HBsAg、抗 HCV和抗 HIV ;
- Health Department spokesman Craig LeFebvre has said the possibilities include sexual activity, intravenous drug use, piercings and tattoos. 健康部门的发言人说可能涉及性活动,静脉毒品注射,伤口感染和纹身。
- Objective In order to assess the condition of Toxoplasma infection among Intravenous Drug Users(IVDU) and the affecting factors. 目的了解静脉药瘾者弓形体感染状况及其影响因素。
- A bound-in CD-ROM contains over 100 monographs on intravenous drugs. 在界限里的CD-ROM 包含多于100关于静脉内的药的专题。
- Trauma and infection were the most common couses of tetanus, and intravenous drug using in private was another common cause. 发病原因仍以外伤和感染占首位,而自行注射毒品引发破伤风者近来不断出现。
- We report a 37-year-old man, an intravenous drug abuser, who underwent open irrigation and debridement for septic arthritis of the right hip joint. 在国外文献中,只有少于10个静脉内注射药物者,并发细菌性髋关节炎的报告;在国内文献中则完全没有报告。
- Resulst:All patients had history of intravenous drug abuse,clinical manifestations of septicaemia and pulmonary emboli caused by S.aureus. 结果:本组病人均有静脉注射毒品史,临床表现为金葡菌血症和肺栓塞,肺部症状表现突出,超声心动图(UCG)示均有右心内膜赘生物。
- In China, for example, most new infections now result from heterosexual sex, rather than from intravenous drug use, as in the past. 举例来说,目前中国大多数新感染艾滋病病例都是来自同性性行为,而不是像过去那样因为静脉注射毒品。
- Fifty-nine percent of those infected were heterosexuals and26 percent were homosexual, the rest being bisexuals and intravenous drug users, the ministry said. 新加坡卫生部表示,在那些染毒者中,有59%25人属于异性恋者,而同性恋者所占的比例为26%25而其余的被感染者则分别为双性恋者以及通过静脉注射毒品的人。