- Determine investment strategies. 决定投资策略.
- Establish your long-range investment strategy. 发展你的长期投资策略。
- If one investment strategy fails, they try another. 如果投资策略失败,他们会尝试另一种。
- For historical reasons, the long-term investment strategies of the two funds are governed by slightly different objectives. 基于历史因素,两个基金的投资目标不尽相同,因此长期投资策略也有别。
- Only on the basis of recognizing and mastering investment market characteristics can investors develop their creative market investment strategies. 只有深刻理解和把握投资市场特征的基础上,投资者才能对各流派投资策略兼收并蓄,进而发展出具有独创性且具有坚实市场统计基础的投资战略。
- Certain perils that lurk in investment strategies cannot be spotted by use of the models commonly employed today by financial institutions. 当前许多金融机构普遍采用的模式在投资策略上潜伏着不易发现的巨大危机。
- As we consider our investment strategies about systems, which are usually fielded for twenty years or more, we have to take care to avoid divergence. 通常花20年或者更长时间来研究对该系统的投资战略,我们小心翼翼,避免出现分歧。
- The HKMA regularly reviews its investment strategy and operations. 金管局定期检讨其投资策略及运作。
- No, I am not a superstitious person. It is simply that investors are in the habit of reviewing their investment strategies on the basis of half-year results. 我不是迷信的人,我这样说只是因为投资者通常都会根据半年业绩检讨其投资策略,然后采取相应行动。
- Loose networks of angel investors are beginning to codify the terms on which they can work together, such as by agreeing investment strategies and standardising investment terms. 原先松散组织的天使投资者们正在开始将他们合作的方式正规化,比如在投资策略上达成一致以及将投资方式标准化。
- The combination, the development of sound investment strategy. 两者结合,形成稳健投资策略。
- Under short sales situation, the optimal investment strategies are obtained by using Lagrange method, and the efficient frontiers' character is also studied. 在允许卖空的情况下,运用拉格朗日乘数法求出了效用最大化投资组合的最优投资策略,并证明了其有效前沿和均值-方差投资组合的有效前沿相同。
- The Funds apply a number of investment strategies including buyouts and finance of junior mining companies with projects at the scoping study/pre-feasibility stage. 这个基金适应很多投资战略,包括对低级采矿公司的收购和投资,这些公司的方案处于研究和可行性预测阶段。
- The conservative investment strategies, which put safety at a high priority, are most appropriate for investors who are risk averse and have a shorter time horizon. 保守的投资策略,是将安全作为第一优先级,最适合那些厌恶风险的,并只做短线的投资者。
- Buffett's investment strategy mirrors his lifestyle and overall philosophy. 巴菲特的投资策略可映射出他的生活方式和人生哲学。
- Part three:stock selection and investing strategy. 第三部分:股票的选择和投资策略。
- The results of this paper characterize the risks and returns of sector indices, giving useful information for the formulation of investment strategies and the market supervisal. 本文的结论刻画了中国股票市场各板块的风险和收益特征,对资产在板块间的配置和市场监管等问题的研究有参考价值。
- Barclays Global Investors (BGI) is one of the world's largest asset managers(1) providing structured investment strategies such as risk-controlled active strategies and indexing. 是全球最大的资产管理公司之一(1)。公司提供结构式战略投资顾问,诸如风险控制下的主动性投资策略和指数化投资策略等。
- Timely make, modificatory investment strategy and investment combination. 适时制定、变更投资策略和投资组合。
- First of all, insurance funds should take a prudent investment strategy. 首先,保险资金应采取稳健的投资策略。