- The latest WHO estimate is that 2 billion people are at risk of becoming iodine deficient - or one third of the world's population. 根据世卫组织的最新估计,20亿人-或世界人口的三分之一处于缺碘的危险。
- Iodine deficiency is another terrible problem. 碘缺乏症是另一个可怕的问题。
- Reared on severe iodine deficient diet, Rats were tested for the ability of Interleukin-2 production by the spleen cell and the capacity of IgG, IgM,IgA production. 实验观测了大鼠脾细胞在丝裂原半刀豆素蛋白诱导下产生白细胞介素-2的能力,应用交叉免疫电泳法测定了动物血清中免疫球蛋白IgA、IgG和IgM的相对含量。
- I believe that this iodine dripping method is also practically implementable in other similar iodine deficient areas with good system of irrigation water. 此补碘方法可以在其它具有较完善灌溉系统的碘缺乏地区推广。
- Iodine deficiency can easily be prevented at low cost. 碘缺乏症可很容易以低成本预防。
- Department of Sugery, Third Teaching Hospital, Norman Bethune University of medecal Sciences, Changchun; We reported the feature of histology and P53 overexpression in thyroid carcinoma at the iodine deficient area. 本研究组已经报道过缺碘地区甲状腺癌的组织学特征和P~(53)蛋白过表达之间的关系。
- The targets for the current stage of eliminating the disease caused by iodine deficiency have been achieved. 基本实现了消除碘缺乏病的阶段目标。
- Presumably, iodine deficiency (ID) in these regions may be one of the major factors causing PND. 认为,缺碘可能是引起PND的重要原因之一。
- Objective: To study the efficacy and safety of KIO3 salt for treatment of iodine deficient goiter, we observed the treatment effect and antioxidative capability of KIO3 and KI in different dosage on goiter induced by iodine deficiency. 目的 对缺碘性甲状腺肿大鼠给予不同剂量的碘酸钾(KIO_3)和碘化钾(KI)两种碘剂治疗后,通过观察甲状腺肿的回缩情况、碘代谢变化、甲状腺形态和功能改变,以及甲状腺组织和血液的抗氧化能力变化,探讨KIO_3碘盐防治缺碘性甲状腺肿的有效性及其安全性。
- The data obtained suggested that the possible etiology of the new cases be still iodine deficiency. 检测结果提示,新发地克病患者出现的原因,可能仍为碘供给量不足。
- Analysis of results from stage aim evaluation of ellimination Iodine deficiency disorders in Gansu province. 甘肃省实现消除碘缺乏病阶段目标进程中的问题。
- Effects of iodine deficiency on TSH cells were greater than those of iodine excess on TSH cells. 碘缺乏对垂体TSH细胞的影响大于碘过量对TSH细胞所造成的影响。
- Objective To explore the effect of iodine deficiency disease(IDD) prevention and treatment using iodized salt. 目的 观察加碘食盐防治碘缺乏病 (IDD)效果。
- Objective To study the effect of KIO3 and KI supplement at different dosages on goiter inducedby iodine deficiency. 目的研究不同剂量的碘酸钾(KIO3)和碘化钾(KI)对缺碘性甲状腺肿(甲肿)大鼠的补碘效果。
- A noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid gland, visible as a swelling at the front of the neck, that is often associated with iodine deficiency. 甲状腺肿甲状腺非癌病变的肿大,是一个在颈前部可以看见的肿瘤,通常是由缺碘引起的
- Objective To evaluate the effect of universal salt iodization to prevent iodine deficiency disorders(IDD). 目的评价重庆市碘盐防治碘缺乏病的效果。方法用直接滴定法检测居民户盐碘含量;
- Iodine deficiency in infants has been associated with mental retardation, diminished intelligence, and stunted growth. 缺碘的婴儿通常智力迟钝,智力低下,以及发育缓慢。
- Iodine deficiency disorders will lead to goiter, hypothyroidism, mental retardation, cretinism, and so on. 碘缺乏将导致甲状腺肿、克汀病等疾病的发生。
- Guizhou Province,especially southwest Guizhou,is one of serious iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) areas in China. 贵州是我国碘缺乏病严重地区之一,特别是黔西南地区。
- Objective: To study the ultrastructure of spleenic lymphocytes in the rats with iodine deficiency. 目的:研究低碘大鼠脾脏淋巴细胞的超微结构。