- The nurse bathed his wound with iodine. 护士在他的伤口上涂碘酒。
- The doctor painted iodine on the cut. 医生在伤口上涂点碘酒。
- A tincture of iodine may be used medically. 碘酒可以作为医药使用。
- This has gone beyond the gauge of her tolerance. 这已超出她的忍受范围。
- Flush a toilet; flush a wound with iodine. 冲马桶; 以碘酒冲冼伤口
- Iodine tolerance 碘耐受
- iodine tolerance test 碘耐量试验:检甲状腺机能亢进
- iodine tolerance tests [医] 碘耐量试验(检甲状腺机能亢进)
- Physiological tolerance to a drug resulting from repeated use. 适应性由于长期使用某种药物而产生的对该药的生理上的耐药性
- This machine part was built to a tolerance of 0.01 millimeters. 这一机器部件的制造公差是0.;01毫米。
- In ordinary living there can be some tolerance of unpunctuality. 在平常的生活中,对不准时的行为可以给予一些宽容。
- Lacking tolerance, breadth of view, or sympathy; petty. 才智有限的缺乏忍耐力、认识深度或同情心的; 气量小的
- Apply some iodine before you bandage. 用绷带包扎伤口之前先敷点碘酒。
- Run upstairs and get the iodine. 快上楼去把碘酒拿来。
- He has a low ceiling of tolerance. 他的容忍力很低[气量小]。
- Iodine smarts when it is put on a cut. 碘酒涂在伤口上让人感到刺痛。
- Tolerance is another name for indifference. 宽容是不关心的别名。
- Apply the wound with some iodine. 在伤口上抹点碘酒。
- The quality or condition of being intolerant; lack of tolerance. 不容忍:不能忍受的品质或状况; 缺少耐性
- Lack of iodine is a common cause of trouble. 缺碘是造成麻烦的常见原因。