- Washing powders containing enzymes are said to remove stains more efficiently. 据说含有人造酶的洗衣粉去污力强。
- Quinolones, aminoglycosides drugs and containing enzyme inhibitor complex antibacterials (such as SCF) were batter choices to the infection of Non-fermentative bacteria. 结论喹诺酮类、氨基糖苷类、碳青霉烯类药物以及含酶抑制剂复方型抗菌药物可为治疗非发酵菌感染的首选药物。
- The pig iron containing boron and boron - rich slag were produced by blast fur-nace separating. 采用高炉法处理含硼铁精矿可使铁硼有效分离得到含硼生铁和富硼渣。
- The new leaching technology, i.e. acid leaching under pressure, that is used on high iron containing sphalerite, is introduced. 提出了高铁闪锌矿加压酸浸新工艺。
- An approach to the influence of aluminium content of inoculant on graphite spheroidization of cast iron containing As,Sn,Pb and Ti was made. 探讨了复合孕育剂中铝量对含砷、锡、铅、钛铸铁石墨球化的影响。
- Papaya and pineapple contain enzymes which break down soft protein. 木瓜片和凤梨汁对预防毛球(症)有帮助吗?
- Inoculating the cast iron containing lead, complex alloy can improve effectively the structure and properties of the cast iron. 用含锆硅铁以及它的复合合金对含铅、砷、锡等杂质元素的铸铁进行孕育处理,可以有效地改善铸铁的组织和性能。
- The behaviour of a vermicular cast iron containing trace amounts of B and Cu was investigated and compared with that of a Cr - Mo-Cu cast iron. 本文对含微量硼铜的蠕墨铸铁性能进行试验研究,并与合金铸铁性能对比分析。
- Washing powder containing enzymes is said to remove stain more efficiently. 据说含有人造酶的洗衣粉去污力强。
- Washing powder contain enzymes is said to remove stain more efficiently. 据说含有人造酶的洗衣粉去污力强。
- Gastric juice secretes quantity and place to contain enzymatic all decrease. 胃液分泌量及所含酶均减少。
- drugs containing enzyme inhibitor 含酶抑制剂药物
- The effect of rare earth elements on carbide of high Cr cast iron was investigated and the continuous cooling transformation( CCT) curves of high Cr cast iron containing and not containing RE addition were determined. 研究了稀土元素对高铬铸铁中碳化物的影响,并对加稀土、加稀土的高铬铸铁试样的连续冷却转变(CT)线进行了测定。
- Effects of the amount of C.Cr.inoculation agent.samples size and heat treatment on properties of wear-resistant martensitic spheroidal graphite cast iron containing carbide are researched. 研究了碳量、铬量、孕育量、试样尺寸及热处理工艺对含碳化物马氏体抗磨球墨铸铁性能的影响。
- A cell organelle containing enzymes,such as catalase and oxidase,that catalyze the production and breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. 过氧物酶体一种包含酶的细胞器官,如催化剂和氧化剂,能够催化过氧化氢的生成和分解
- It was said that washing powders containing enzymes remove stains more efficiently. 据说加酶洗衣粉除污更有效。
- Notice: the minimal usage means the usage in the welding sealed iron container, if in the humidity or inner liner plastic bag sealed package wooden container, should use double. 注:最少使用量指在焊封铁容器内的使用量,凡是在潮湿环境和采用木箱内衬塑料袋封装的包装,应采用加倍的量。
- Popular items of the 1960s were presoaks and detergents that contained enzymes. 二十世纪六十年代,富含酶的洗涤剂和去污剂大受欢迎。
- The natural iron contained in the Purple Clay Pot can disintegrate fat.This helps to balance the PH value of the body and gradually build up a health shield. 紫砂所含有的天然铁质对脂肪有分解作用,有助平衡人体酸碱度,更接近人体正常标准,从而为身体建立一个健康保护网。
- A cell organelle containing enzymes, such as catalase and oxidase, that catalyze the production and breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. 过氧物酶体一种包含酶的细胞器官,如催化剂和氧化剂,能够催化过氧化氢的生成和分解