- representative irrigated districts 典型灌区
- Irrigation District, to try the feeling across the waterline, all of the Post! 灌水区,来试试穿越水线的感觉吧,尽情的发帖!
- The irrigation districts of the Yellow River Basin thereinto have vital function on the agricultural development. 其中,引黄灌区对我国农业的发展发挥了重要作用。
- Jiyang County, located in the floodplain of the Yellow River in North Shandong Province, has four irrigation districts along the Yellow River. 摘要济阳县位于鲁北黄泛平原南部,为沿黄县市,全县有引黄灌区四处。
- Under this circumstance, this paper studies calculation method of sub-region weight coefficient, and applies it in large irrigating district. 针对这种情况的于区权重系数的计算方法加以探讨,并结合大型灌区的实例予以分析。
- Based on a survey of 208 households in Zhanghe and Dongfeng irrigation districts in Hubei Province, statistical and econometric modeling analyses were carried out. 对湖北漳河灌区和东风灌区的208户农户问卷调查资料进行了统计分析和计量经济模型分析。
- The management system of canal system structures in Yangling irrigation district was constructed based on VR-GIS in this paper. 应用结果表明基于VR-GIS技术的系统能满足灌区渠系建筑物的信息化管理要求。
- This paper deals with countermeasures to solve the problem in Baoji Gorge irrigation district in the province form source and water saving. 位于陕西关中西部的宝鸡峡灌区,由于原设计所取河源供水保证率偏低,调蓄能力差,灌溉水源不足一直制约着灌区潜力的进一步发挥。
- Electricity-lift irrigation started to build in 70th of the 20th Century in the Xingdian irrigation district in Baiyin City of Gansu Province. 甘肃省白银市兴电灌区电力提灌工程始建于20世纪70年代末,受当时科学技术条件的制约,工程所有设备的运行都是手工操作。
- We had seventy acres of good irrigated land. 我们有七十英亩灌溉良田。
- In this paper the drought and waterlog data in Dongfanghong irrigation district,Xinmi city was dealed with the grey calamity theory. 应用灰色系统理论中的灾变预测方法,对新密市东方红灌区的旱、涝灾数据进行灰色处理,以预测灾情发生的时间。
- Spatial variability of soil moisture in the irrigation district is analyzed by integrating Geostatistics and general theory of statistics. 将提出的墒情监测方法及区域土壤水分预报方法,应用于构建整个灌区的实时灌溉预报模型之中,并在灌溉预报过程中进行实时修正。
- Concentrating Reform for a Jump-up Development of Irrigated Districts 以改革总揽全局推进灌区跨越式发展
- The reference crop evapotranspiration in Hunpu irrigation district,Liaoning province was calculated with the equation of Penman-Monteith recommended by FAO. 采用联合国粮农组织最新推荐的Penman-Monteith公式,分析了浑蒲灌区参考作物需水量。
- The residential districts were all plotted out. 住宅区都一块块地标划出来了。
- Irrigation district water-measuring is the important method and guarantee of practising using water planly, assignment accurately, using irrigation water equably and meterage. 灌区量水,是实行计划用水、正确分配、合理使用灌溉水的重要手段,是实行计量收费的重要保证。
- The paper analyzes the management status of Pishihang Irrigation District, illustrates the informatization management system of Pishihang Irrigation District. 摘要文章对淠史杭灌区管理现状进行分析,提出了淠史杭灌区信息化管理系统方案。
- We have irrigated the desert area to make it fertile. 我们已经灌溉了荒芜地区使它肥沃。
- The flood inundated the whole district. 洪水淹没了整个地区。
- New residential districts are all plotted out. 新居住区的地块都已划定。