- Is he home from work? 他下班回家了吗?
- He was worn to a frazzle when he got home from work. 他下班回家疲惫不堪。
- Is he home from work 他下班回家了吗?
- He likes to wet his whistle on the way home from work in the evening. 他喜欢在晚上下班回家的路上喝点酒。
- He was flat out when he got home from work. 他下班回家疲惫不堪。
- What time does he normally get home from work? 他一般什么时候下班回到家?
- I'm always tired when I come home from work. 我下班回家时,总感到疲倦。
- He have not come home from work. 他下班还没有回来。
- He likes a drink when he returns home from work. 他喜欢下班回家后喝一杯酒。
- He has fallen into the bad habit of stopping off at the bar each night on his way home from work. 他已养成一种坏习惯,每晚放工回家路上,总要在酒吧呆一阵。
- He always dropped Joe off on his way home from work. 下班后他总是顺路载乔回家。
- Mr. Sawyer comes home from work, he arrives home late. 索耶先生下班回家,他回家晚。
- But Dad was so exhausted when he came home from work. 但爸爸工作回来时已经累得不得了了。
- I happen to meeting John on my way home from work. 我下班回家碰巧遇到了约翰。
- I'm always very tired when I come home from work. 我下班回到家时,总感到非常疲倦。
- She gave her husband the cold shoulder when he came home from work. 他先生下班后,她对他很冷谈。
- Mr.Sawyer comes home from work,he arrives home late. 晚上;她的孩子从学校放学回家;他们到家很早.
- His face was as white as chalk when he arrived home from work this evening. 今天晚上他下班回家时,面色惨白。
- I'll swing by your house on the way home from work. 下班回家路过时我要到你家来一下。
- It takes me over an hour to get home from work. 我下班回家需要一个多钟头。