- Isachne guangxiensisn. 广西柳叶箬
- Revision of the genus Isachne B.Br. (Gramineae) of China. 中国禾本科植物志资料之一,国产柳叶__属的重订.
- Sericinus montelus f. guangxiensisn. 南方型
- Cosmeptera monstrosa guangxiensisn. 桂斑枯叶蛾;新亚种
- Genetic diversity and population differentiation of Vatic guangxiensis 版纳青梅居群的遗传多样性和群体分化
- Keywords Parashorea chinensis;Vatica guangxiensis;RAPD;Conservation genetics;Genetic diversity;Population genetic structure;Systematic position; 望天树;版纳青梅;RAPD;保护遗传学;遗传多样性;群体遗传结构;系统位置;
- Isachne albensn. 白花柳叶箬
- Isachne beneckein. 小花柳叶箬
- Isachne ciliatifloran. 纤毛柳叶箬
- Isachne debilisn. 荏弱柳叶箬
- Isachne depauperatan. 瘦瘠柳叶箬
- Isachne disparn. 二型柳叶箬
- Isachne globosan. 柳叶箬
- Isachne hainanensisn. 海南柳叶箬
- Isachne hoin. 浙江柳叶箬
- Isachne miliacean. 类黍柳叶箬
- Isachne nipponensisn. 日本柳叶箬
- Isachne repensn. 匍匐柳叶箬
- Isachne tenuisn. 细弱柳叶箬
- Isachne truncatan. 平颖柳叶箬