- Isakota Yutaka 砂子田隆(1928-),日本人,官员。
- Koya S, Yutaka W. Jointing Nitride Ceramics[P]. JP: 07011305, 1995-10-16. 专利专利所有者.题名(正体,实词首字母大写)[P].国别:专利号,出版日期
- This is the only pirated Yutaka's product that i bought, because i can't find it here. 妈妈,我的那顶草帽不知怎么样了?就是那年夏天在从碓冰去雾积的路上,掉进峡谷的那顶麦秸草帽哟!
- But, i realised that i didn't really contribute any goodies to the forum yet , you guys are too good on finding the exclusive works and stuff on Yutaka , thats why.. 妈妈,我的那顶草帽不知怎么样了?就是那年夏天在从碓冰去雾积的路上,掉进峡谷的那顶麦秸草帽哟!
- Shinsuke H, Tomomi U, Yutaka K, et al . The value of power doppler imaging to predict the histologic components of benign prostate hyperplasia[J].Prostate,2002;53(2):168-74. 杨柳平;王良圣;魏鸿蔼;等.;前列腺移行带特异抗原密度检测前列腺癌的临床观察[J]
- Yutaka Kawashima also suggested that the Universe Development Undertaking Group organize an inspection team to thoroughly ascertain the reason why the satellite could not enter geosynchronous orbit. ”田中真纪子还建议宇宙开发事业团成立一个检查小组,彻底查明卫星进不了同步轨道的原因。
- Osaka International Airport is located in Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, Yutaka in the city of Osaka, Ikeda City Airport (first air), referred to as the airport or Osaka Itami Airport. 大阪国际机场是一个位于日本兵库县伊丹市,大阪府豊中市、池田市的机场(第一种空港),简称伊丹机场或大阪机场。
- Love thinks that a relationship between Yutaka Takenouchi and (my name) has a very good chance of being successful, but this doesn't mean that you don't have to work on the relationship. 紧记每一段关系都需要两人多花时间一起,多些交谈、沟通......哈哈,那就死了!
- Hirosue Ryoko stars as Chiyo, 20, a department store clerk, whose first encounter with Ryunosuke (Takenouchi Yutaka), 30, a carefree bachelor friend of her sister's, leads to a pregnancy. 广末凉子星级的千代,20日,一家百货公司职员,他们第一次遇到与芥川龙之介(竹裕),30,无忧无虑的单身朋友,她姐姐的,会导致怀孕。
- Shigeyuki Seki,Yutaka Sawada,Toshikazu Nishide.Indium-tin-oxide thinfilms prepared by dip-coating of indium diacetate monohydroxide and tin dichloride[J].Thin Solid Films.2001 388:22. 范志新;孙以材;陈玫琳;等.;氧化物半导体透明导电薄膜的最佳掺杂含量理论计算[J]
- 2 Yutaka Murakami,Masayuki Orihashi,Takashi Matsuoka; 5阮炎,郄学庆;
- Isakota 砂子田(姓,日本)
- Oyanagi Yutaka 小柳胖(1911-),日本人,《新泻新闻》社长。
- Inoue Yutaka 井上裕(1927-),日本人,参议员,官员。
- Okano Yutaka 冈野裕(1927-),日本人,参议员。
- Hata Yutaka 秦丰(1925-),日本人,参议员。
- Takeyama Yutaka 竹山裕(1925-),日本人,参议员。
- Abe Yutaka 阿部丰(1895-1977),日本人,导演。
- Tatsuno Yutaka 辰野隆(1888-1964),日本人,法国文学专家、随笔家。
- Orimo Yutaka 折茂丰(1912-),日本人,法学教授。