- The Effects of Bu Yang Huan Wu Decoction on Hemorheology and BloodRoutine Examination of Ischemic Stroke Sequela Model Rats which lack of Qi and with blood silted 补阳还五汤对中风后遗症气虚血瘀大鼠病证模型血常规及血液流变性的影响
- Ischemic Stroke Sequela 气虚血瘀
- Title: Lipid levels and the risk of ischemic stroke in women. 女性血脂水平与缺血性卒中风险。
- The acute ischemic stroke belongs to Apoplexy in TCM. 急性缺血性中风属于中医"中风"范畴。
- ischemic stroke sequelae 缺血性脑卒后遗症
- More effective for people of stroke sequela, limb? Numbness and getting about with difficulty. 中风后遗症及肢体麻木、活动不方便的患者其作用更为见效。
- Carotid artery stenosis is one of the major causes of ischemic stroke. 颈动脉狭窄是缺血性卒中的主要病因之一。
- High serum albumin may be neuroprotective in ischemic stroke in humans. 高血清白蛋白可能在人类脑梗塞后起到保护脑神经作用。
- Diabetes,TIAs and heart diseases could increase the risk of ischemic stroke. 血清总胆固醇、甘油三酯增高与缺血性卒中发生有关;
- Conclutions Prognosis of pneumonia in the elders with stroke sequela is related to these risk factors, prognosis can be improved in the patients with dysphagia placing nasogastric feeding tube. 结论脑卒中后遗症老年人患肺炎及其影响预后有多方面因素,对吞咽反射障碍的病人置入鼻饲管可以改善预后。
- Title: Predictors of Early Cardiac Morbidity and Mortality After Ischemic Stroke. 缺血性卒中后早期心脏病患病率和死亡率的预测。
- Objective: To investigate the role of carotid stenosis in acute ischemic stroke. 目的:探讨颈动脉狭窄在缺血性脑卒中所起的作用。
- Background: Atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic arch are a risk factor for ischemic stroke. 研究背景:主动脉弓处动脉粥样斑块是缺血性卒中的危险因素。
- Methods All 82 patients received intravenous urokinase (UK) for acute ischemic stroke. 方法 82例急性脑梗死患者接受尿激酶 (UK)静脉溶栓治疗。
- ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of defibrase on hemorheology on the patients with acute ischemic stroke. 目的探讨降纤酶对急性脑梗死患者血液流变学的影响。
- Objective: To evaluate the curative effect and the safety of edaravone on progressive ischemic stroke. 目的: 观察依达拉奉防治进展性脑梗死的治疗作用及安全性。
- In those with mild LVD, the magnitude of the risk of ischemic stroke was still more than 3.5 times greater. 即使是那些轻微LVD的病患,缺血性中风的危险等级是对照组的3.;5倍以上。
- Research progress on stroke sequela with TCM 中风后遗症中医治疗研究进展
- Bleeding strokes are more likely to kill than ischemic strokes. 出血性中风可能比缺血性中风更有破坏性。
- During follow-up, there were 472 incident ischemic strokes. 在随访中,472人发生了缺血性中风。