- Ishimoto Yasuo 石本泰雄(1894-?),日本人,法学教授。
- But Yasuo Fukuda, prime minister, praised Mr Shirakawa's technical prowess and international experience. 不过,日本首相福田康夫(Yasuo Fukuda)很赞赏白川方明的技术实力和国际经验。
- Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda held a news conference announcing Koizumi's decision to visit North Korea. 内阁官房长官福田康夫也举行记者招待会宣布了小泉访朝的决定。
- Japanese PM Yasuo Fukuda's bodyguards are martial arts experts, who are at least third Dan in kendo and karate. 日本首相福田康夫保镖都是剑道和空手道三段以上的武术高手。
- "As a member of the international society, we have a role to play," says Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda. “作为国际社会的一个成员,我们有义务参加,”日本内阁秘书福田康夫说。
- Japanese PM Yasuo Fukuda will receive Hu at the Matsumoto Hotel with a grand banquet in the evening. 日本首相福田康夫将于今晚在著名的松本楼宴请胡主席。
- Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda and visiting South Korean President Lee Myung-bak met Monday in Tokyo. 日本首相福田康夫和到访的韩国总统李明博星期一在东京会晤。
- Yasuo Fukuda says both countries should remember the significance of the treaty. 福田康夫说,两国都应该记得条约签订的意义所在。
- FOR months the approval rating of Japan's prime minister, Yasuo Fukuda, has been stuck below 25%. 日本首相福田康夫的支持率近几月下降到25%25。
- Officials in Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's government, however, say the agreement does not need to be changed. 福田康夫总理的政府官员认为不必改动有关协议。
- It took Yasuo Hamanaka, a copper trader, ten years of hard work to lose Sumitomo $1.8 billion. 虽然收入陡降,该行预计2007年度仍能盈利6亿到8亿欧元,并证实了年度分红计划。
- His straight-talking, upbeat style contrasts with his morose, short-tenured predecessors, Shinzo Abe and Yasuo Fukuda. 他直来直去、乐天自信与两位“短命”的前任安倍晋三和福田康夫阴郁的形象对比鲜明。
- Secretary Yasuo Fukuda, former Prime Minister and his cabinet submitted their resignations earlier in the day. 9月24日,在日本首都东京,日本执政的自民党新总裁麻生太郎(站立者)在当选首相后起立接受议员的祝贺。
- Aso had been expected to call asnap election after taking office in September following the sudden resignation of his predecessor, Yasuo Fukuda. 麻生于今年九月接替突然辞职的福田康夫出任日本首相,此后一直有舆论预测他会提前举行众院选举。
- Japan added its praise. "We want to offer our congratulations for the success from the bottom of our heart," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda said. 日本也对此作出了赞扬。日本内阁官房长官福田康夫说道:“我们从心底祝贺此次发射成功!”
- Of the two main contenders, Yasuo Fukuda wants to mend relations with China by, among other things, drawing the Yasukuni sting. 作为两个主要竞争者,福田康夫想要通过移开靖国神社这个症结来修复与中国的关系。
- The studiodid not even bother making masks of Abe's sombre successor, Yasuo Fukuda. But it has found a hit in incumbent Prime Minister Taro Aso. 这家公司甚至没生产安倍晋三的继任者---性格沉闷的福田康夫的面具。但比之下,还是现任首相麻生太郎的面具销量最好。
- Outgoing Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda was unpopular with voters but T-shirts printed with his huffy parting shot are now a hit. 刚刚辞职的日本首相福田康夫不受选民欢迎,但是印有他一句临别怒言的T恤衫现在却卖得很火。
- Unlike some of his recent predecessors, Japan’s prime minister, Yasuo Fukuda, has made an effort not to infuriate the Chinese. 日本首相福田康夫也不同于他以往的前任们,他努力不去激怒中国人。
- The current Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda has designated this year as one of exchange between Japan and nations of the Mekong region. 现任总统福田康夫把今年定为日本湄公地区交流年;