- Finally, the effect of osmotic stress on fermentability was also discussed. 本文还就高渗对酿油酵母发酵力的影响进行了讨论。
- Professor, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science. Molecular mechanism of plant response to osmotic stress. 中国科学院植物研究所,研究员,植物渗透逆境的分子生物学。
- Ph. D student, Gent University, Belgium. Molecular mechanism underlying proline accumulation during osmotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. 比利时根特大学,博士研究生,拟南芥在渗透胁迫下脯氨酸积累的分子机理。
- Abstract Proline is thought to be a compatible osmolyte which can help plants and bacteria to tolerate osmotic stress. 摘要 脯氨酸被认为是植物和细菌内的一种相容渗透剂,有助于植物和细菌抵御渗透胁迫。
- Osmotic stress promotes shoot regeneration in immature embryo-derived callus in rice (Oryza sativa L.). 渗透压诱导水稻愈合组织植株再生过程中过氧化酵素之变化。
- Maize(Zea mays..L);osmotic stress; xylem sap;alternative split-root; free amino acid; protein. 09玉米;渗透胁迫;木质部汁液;分根交替;游离氨基酸;蛋白质
- Proline is thought to be a compatible osmolyte which can help plants and bacteria to tolerate osmotic stress. 摘要脯氨酸被认为是植物和细菌内的一种相容渗透剂,有助于植物和细菌抵御渗透胁迫。
- Under osmotic stress,exogenous Spd treatment inhibited the decrease of NCC-Spd level in Yedan 13 and enhanced its tolerance to stress. 外源Spd处理明显抑制了渗透胁迫下掖单13类囊体膜上NCC-Spd含量的下降,也提高了掖单13玉米幼苗的抗性;
- The physiological responses and their correlations of Populus hopeiensis leaves during PEG osmotic stress were investigated in this paper. 摘要对PEG渗透胁迫下河北杨叶片的生理响应及其内在关系进行研究。
- The maximum temperature that a cell can tolerate depends on the health of the cell, the initial osmotic stress and the stress that occurs in the growth phase. 最高气温可容忍靠一个细胞的健康细胞,初步渗透胁迫和强调,发生在生长阶段。
- The majority of these ESTs were co-expressed in response to desiccation and osmotic stress and were generally not induced in response to heat and cold stress. 这些EST中的大多数在对干旱和渗透压胁迫发生反应时是共表达的,而在耐受冷热胁迫时并不被诱导表达。
- The generation of NO and H2O2 under osmotic stress, which indinced the stomata closure, was probably via the presence of ABA, and there was a cross talk between NO and H2O2. 还对根系渗透胁迫诱导蚕豆气孔关闭中ABA、NO和H2O2的关系进行了讨论,认为渗透胁迫可能通过ABA诱导NO和H2O2产生,促进气孔关闭且NO和H2O2之间存在相互作用。
- The content of starch in root cap decreased with the increase of osmotic stress in all cultivars, and the decrement was lower in drought-resistant cultivars than that in drought-sensitive cultivars. 随着渗透胁迫程度的加重,各品种小麦根冠淀粉粒均有不同程度的减少,而抗旱性强的品种根冠淀粉粒的减少程度小于抗旱性弱的品种;
- The results suggested that the tolerance of the wheat seedlings to osmotic stress was associated with the activity of H+-ATPase and the contents of NCC-Spd and NCC-Spm and CC-Put and CC-Spd in PM of the seedling roots. 暗示了渗透胁迫下,小麦幼苗根核蛋白体上NCC一Spm、NCc一Spd、pIScC一put和pISCC一Spd水平的上升可能通过维持核蛋白体构象和功能的稳定以及调节基因的表达而增强幼苗适应渗透胁迫的能力。
- Osmotic stress(PEG -6000 solution) and respiration inhibitors KCN,DNPcan induce high ratio of cell permeability in soybean hypocotyl ,and DNP has the greatest effect in all of treatments. 利用呼吸抑制剂和解偶联剂探讨了在渗透胁迫下大豆下胚轴细胞透性与呼吸速率之间的关系;结果表明;渗透胁迫和呼吸抑制剂KCN、解偶联剂DNP均可以引起大豆下胚轴细胞透性显著增大;尤以DNP的效应最大.
- High salinity can disturb the ionic balance and cause the osmotic stress, It has become one of the major abiotic stresses which constraints crop plant growth, and reduces productivity. 由高盐浓度引起的离子平衡紊乱和渗透胁迫是影响植物生长发育和造成作物减产的主要环境因子。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- Osmotic Stress Effects on MDA and CAT in Maize Seedlings 渗透胁迫对玉米幼苗膜脂过氧化及过氧化氢酶活性的影响
- Programmed cell death induced by osmotic stress in wheat leaves 渗透胁迫诱导的小麦叶片细胞程序性死亡
- Effects of CC on the leaf of wheat seedlings under osmotic stress 氯化胆碱对小麦幼苗叶片在渗透胁迫下的影响