- It’s her arms that pop out, rippled and gleaming. 她的手臂毫无保留的挥动着,动感而有光泽。
- She must be very cute. What 's her name ? 一定很可爱,她叫什么名字?
- The couple moved outside her field of vision. 这对夫妇离开了她的视野。
- She 's her usual cheerful self today. 她今天也像往常一样快活
- After years of hard work, she has finally arrived in her field. 经过多年的努力工作之后她终于在她的领域功成名就了。
- Attribution of s her success solely to wealth is not fair. 认为她的成功完全是因为有财富是不公平的。
- She's an expert in her field, and is paid accordingly. 她在自己的领域里是个专家,并得到了相应的报酬。
- She came to me, Ian, She is the best in her field, after all, Her work. 是她向我毛遂自荐的,况且她在这一行中最出色,对恐龙家族所做的研究。
- Each nurse also devotes two evenings a week to studying medical literature in her field. 每个护士每周还用两个晚上来学习与她工作有关的医学文献。
- The light-coloured liquid that the firm's chairman, Cheung Yan, offer s her guests delivers the energy jolt of an espresso without the jittery buzz. 玖龙公司的主席张茵在款待客人时用的这种色泽浅淡的液体像意式特浓一样振奋精神,却不刺激神经。
- Evidence that the alien is to continue work in his or her field in the United States. 在美国继续从事本专业的证明,如合同聘书与发展计划。
- Sandra is good at dancing attendance on her superiors and marvelous at cultivating notables in her field. 桑德拉很会奉承她的上司并非常善于结交她的学术领域的知名人士,和他们套近乎。
- Earth then tries each symbol to see if the rotation fosters ascension of her field or portions of her field or not. 地球对每个符号进行尝试,来看是否该旋转培育了她的场或一部分场的提升。
- This unified enough of her thought-form to allow the unity-based thoughts to begin to enter her field. 这让她的思想形态足够统一,来允许基于统一的思想形态开始进入她的能量场。
- It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her. 他平安的消息到达她那里之前,那段时间似乎是无限漫长的。
- It was a climax of her life career but Death did not gave her a chance for acquire the most hire status in her field. 这是一个高潮,她一生的职业生涯,但死亡并不让她有机会获得最雇用地位在她的领域。
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你乐意的话,可以这样做。
- This was due to choosing to open her heart removing all armoring surrounding this region of her field. 这是由于选择打开她的心灵,移出她能量场这个部位所有装甲的结果。