- The itching of his own fingers was now intolerable. 三人齐声叫道:“奇怪,那是什么东西?”
- To scratch the itch of other people's comments? 挖掘他人发表意见的欲望?
- How should itch of the skin after blowing yam do? 刮完山药后皮肤痒痒该怎么办?
- Itching of vulva 外阴痒
- A mite infestation which causes persistent itching of the skin. 一种由螨所引起皮肤持续瘙痒的微小虫害侵扰。
- He had been very clever at concealing the itch of ambition. 他很擅长隐藏自己的野心和欲望。
- This product is fit for persons who worried about scurf and itching of head. 烦人的头屑,恼人的头痒是秀发常遇到的问题。
- Objective: To observe the curative effect of local blocking and Huaban Gao(HG)for white lesions of vulva(WLV). 目的:观察局部封闭加化斑膏外涂治疗外阴白色病变的临床疗效。
- Objective:To observe the relation between the lichen sclerosus of vulva and thymus dependent lymphocyte. 目的:探讨外阴硬化性苔癣与免疫功能的关系。
- The beads bacterium of vulva, vagina is affected or trichomonad infection is the common cause with urticant Sao more. 外阴、阴道的念珠菌感染或滴虫感染更是瘙痒的常见原因。
- The clinical review of 64 woman dystrophy of vulva who treated with guishao shouwu zuoguiyin. 用归芍首乌左归饮加减治疗外阴营养不良64例。
- Objective To analyze the clinicopathological characteristics of malignancies of vulva. 目的分析外阴原发性恶性肿瘤的临床和病理特征。
- Eighth, I lie low the husband side to kneel, namely his mouth assumes the even condition with mine lip of vulva. 八、我平躺着老公侧跪,即他的嘴与我的阴唇呈平型状态。
- When once the itch of literature come over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratch of a pen. 当一个人一度患上“文学痒”之后,除了拿起笔杆来搔搔外,更无他物可以治疗。
- The male may bend down lies down or kneels sits between the feminine both legs, stimulation clitoris and lip of vulva. 男性可俯躺或跪坐在女性双腿之间,刺激阴蒂及阴唇。
- The boys were itching for the lesson to end. 那些男孩子们渴望下课。
- Peppermint (Mentha piperita) - Inhaled: good for easing stomach ailments. Ease headaches. On skin: Relives itching of sunburn. Use on greasy hair. 薄荷:吸入:有效治疗胃病。缓解头疼。用在皮肤:舒缓发痒、灼伤(晒斑)。用途在含脂毛。最好用在油性头发。
- A 24-year-old female attended our out patient clinic on May 4,1995 because of vulvae itching with much whitish vaginal discharge. 24岁女性,因外阴瘙痒伴有多量白色阴道分泌物而于1995年5月4日来我门诊就诊。
- As the jaundice increases, the child may or may not complain of an itching of the skin. 随着黄疸加重,患儿也许会主诉皮肤发痒。
- Low existence rate of nausea ,vomiting,hypotension of post operation,no itching of skin and restraint of respiration. 术后恶心、呕吐、低血压的发生率低,无皮肤瘙痒及呼吸抑制发生,乳汁分泌正常。