- James Robert George Graham 格雷姆(1792-1861),英国人,政治家。
- George Graham brought Lee to Highbury from Stoke for a mere £350,000. 格拉汉姆把迪克逊李从斯托克队带到了海布里,花费了35万英镑。
- Former Arsenal manager George Graham reckons that Arsenal face a more difficult task in Turin against Juventus without Francesc Fabregas and Emmanuel Eboue. 前阿森纳教练格林汉姆担心缺少法布雷加斯和埃布埃的阿森纳在都灵面临着艰巨的任务。
- Soon, Lacoste's shirt was embroidered a crocodile , this is his friend Robert George that designed. 多位分析师表示届时原油登上80美元大关将毫不费力。
- George Graham's team, shorn of top scorer Ian Wright, were overwhelming underdogs against the might of Parma in the 1994 Cup Winners' Cup final. 在1994年优胜者杯决赛中面对强大的帕尔马,格拉汉姆带领的以赖特为箭头的球队完全不被看好。
- From first-class passenger George Graham, it describes how the Titanic almost collided with another liner - the New York - as it embarked on its voyage from Southampton. 这封来自头等舱乘客乔治·格雷厄姆的书信描述了泰坦尼克号从南安普敦出发开始航行时,差点和另一艘游轮“纽约号”发生碰撞的情况。
- Over the years the Gunners have produced some outstanding sides- Herbert Chapman's1930 s team, Berti Mee's double-winners of1971, George Graham's late1980' s outfit, and of course Arsene Wenger's current table-toppers. 在过去的岁月里,阿森纳涌现了一些优秀的阵容-查普曼30年代的球队,博蒂米尔1971夺得双冠王的球队,格拉汉姆80年代末的队伍,当然还有温格现在的冠军球队。
- Charlie George and George Graham added flair from deep to the 1971 side, George with his ability to run past people and score goals out of nothing, and Graham for his uncanny knack of opening up defences. 乔治和格拉汉姆为1971年的球队增加了力量,乔治以过人和创造突然进球的能力见长,而格拉汉姆则可以以诡异的方式撕开对方防线。
- James Robert III Graham 贾嘉美
- James is not nearly as tall as Robert. 詹姆斯根本没有罗伯特高。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- Graham, Robert M.Genta, Michael F. 放大图片 创作者: David Y.
- Mr. Robert Brown was announced as the sponsor. 罗勃特·布朗先生被宣布为赞助人。
- James ordered a Salisbury steak for lunch. 詹姆士叫了一客混有蛋、牛乳、面包粉的合成牛肉饼。
- Barnett, James L.Thorson, Robert F. 放大图片 创作者: Louise K.
- George led them back to the right way. 乔治把他们领回到正路上来。
- I excepted James from my invitation. 我没有邀请詹姆斯。
- Robert and Mary have become parents. 罗伯特和玛丽已经当了父母。
- George's the best person to fill this vacancy. 乔治是填补这一空缺的最佳人选。