- The hazards of ESD are severity in Japan,so Japanese scholars have conducted comprehensive research on ESD EM-fields. 日本是ESD(静电放电 )危害问题比较严重的国家 ,日本学者对ESD电磁场进行了比较全面的研究。
- The poetical talks is a special type of literature criticism, after it went to Japan, the Japanese scholars created a lot of Japanese poetical talks. 摘要诗话是我国一种独具特色的论诗体裁,传入日本以后受到了日本学者的广泛关注,创作了不少日本诗话。
- Japanese scholars: adults with simple obesity Ruer period related to obesity. 日本学者认为:成年人单纯性肥胖又与乳儿期肥胖有关。
- Japanese scholars have contributed a lot theoretically and practically in the history of Sino-Sanskrit phonetic contrast and transliteration studies. 摘要从日本学者的汉梵对音译音研究的历史看,日本学者对汉梵对音译音的研究无论是从理论上,还是在实践上都做出了很大贡献。
- Last year, two Japanese scholars conducting unauthorized research in China's far west Xinjiang region were deported. 去年中国政府驱逐了两名在中国西部新疆省进行未经授权的非法调研的日本人。
- In 1992,Japanese scholars published its photocopied version,with proofread and annotations. 1992年,日本学者将其影印刊行,并附列了残卷的翻字(即文本校录)和注释。
- Its remnant volumes are now found only in Japan.In 1992,Japanese scholars published its photocopied version,with proofread and annotations. 1992年,日本学者将其影印刊行,并附列了残卷的翻字(即文本校录)和注释。
- This is a plant discovered by Japanese scholars, but Yen Sheng-hong realized that it was misidentified as another plant. It needs a new name. 这是日本学者发现的植物,但颜圣纮发现它被误认为其他种植物,有必要重新命名。它的叶片有紫苏的芳香。
- This is Hideki Yukawa in 1949, the 5th Japanese scholar, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics. 这也是1949年汤川秀树以来,日本学者第5次获得诺贝尔物理学奖。
- Japanese scholar Akagi H. put forward instantaneous reactive power theory in 1980S, 20 century, meeting the demand for real time and instantaneousness. 20世纪80年代由日本学者赤木泰文提出的瞬时无功功率理论满足了对电流谐波和基波无功电流快速检测的要求。
- Discussion will be focused on the views proposed by a Japanese scholar, Yuzo Mizoguchi, and a Chinese scholar, Yu Yingshi, but views of other scholars will also be included. 关于这个问题,本文环绕着沟口雄三与余英时两位先生所提出的相关论点,佐以其它学者的论著,予以了探讨。
- The letter was forwarded by Yoichi Yokobori,a Japanese scholar attneded the same seminar, to the White House with a lengthy letter detailing Dr. 他的信由同期日本学者横堀另撰彭案情形,一起转寄白宫。
- The Japanese scholars tended to shoehorn various types of aborigine rent into the modem forms of land rights and therefore misinterpreted their particularities. 本文透过厘清番租的类型试图提供更精确与符合历史事实的分类,同时带出番租演变的历史过程。
- There have been at least three attempts to compile Taiwan's Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the Japanese colonial period, all by the Japanese scholar Mizoguchi. 摘要日治时期台湾的消费者物价指数之编制,已往至少有三篇研究,都是由日本学者沟口敏行所作。
- Representative Chiang presents Kuwabara Shouji, a Japanese scholar of mainland China issues, with the Grand Cordon of the Purple Order on behalf of the president. 蒋代表代替总统颁授紫色大绶勋章,给日本大陆问题研究学者桑原寿二。
- Japanese scholars Oda Tatsuo, Isoba Akira and Nakano Miyoko, etc. have made some pioneering research on who finalized the manuscript of Journey to the West and whether the novel was related to the teachings and Taoist priests of Quanzhen. 摘要日本学者太田辰夫、矶部彰和中野美代子等,在探求《西游记》定稿人与全真教教义及其道士的关系方面,进行了许多开拓性的研究。
- But prominent Japanese scholars and politicians routinely deny direct military involvement or the use of force in rounding up the women, blaming private contractors for any abuses. 但日本知名学者和政要照例否认军方直接卷入或强行抓捕妇女,而是将慰安妇们遭受的一切虐待咎于“私人承包商”。
- Xunzi's thinking put more influence on scholars in later ages and overseas, the thesis chooses two ideologists to illuminate it: his student Hanfei and Japanese scholar Ogyu Sorai. 荀学的理论意义及思维模式对于后世学者及海外同人也有着不同程度的影响,本文选择两位思想家作为代表人物以说明这点:荀子弟子韩非和日本学者荻生徂徕。
- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我认为日本是一个好战的国家。
- The program about the form of "Prestigious-Faborable" feudal official, is concerned, with politics, culture and society etc. of Han-Jin period Japanese scholar Jia Sen have had preliminary research for this, but had no too much thorough with reveal . “威惠”型官吏形态的研究这一课题,是涉及汉晋时期政治、文化与社会等方面的课题,日本学者葭森健介先生对此曾有过初步研究,但并没有过多的深入与揭示。