- Jiaozhou Land Laws 胶州土地法规
- The land law inhibited the creation of bigger farms. 这项土地法禁止成立更大的农
- Why is it high to eighty percent in personal breaking the land law? 个人土地违法为何高达八成?
- Therefore, we should not try to enforce the Land Law all at once but should do it in two stages. 因此,不应当企图一下实行土地法,而应当分两个阶段实行土地法。
- The interactive relations between land laws and social transformation in rural China are dialectical. 土地法与中国农村的社会变迁存在着互动的辨证关系。
- India's other big constraints, its cumbersome labour and land laws, should be easier to fix. 其他两个制约因素,就是笨重的劳动和土地法。它们应该变得灵活宽松一些。
- In feudal land law, the commission of a felony by a tenant caused his land to pass to his lord. 在采邑的土地法律中,佃户的严重犯罪行为可导致其保有的土地转利到地主名下。
- ANDREW CASSELL: The proposed changes to the land law have polarised Scottish communities. 对土地法案提出的修改引起了苏格兰社会严重的两极分化。
- However, in accordance with the Outline Land Law, rich peasants should generally be treated differently from landlords. 但是按照土地法大纲的规定,对待富农和对待地主一般地应当有所区别。
- Confiscation and redistribution of all the land was a provision in the Land Law promulgated in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area in 1928. 一九二八年湘赣边界土地法中曾经有这样的规定。
- Industrial society's foundational economic resources are machines, whereupon chattel law takes the core position of land law. 工业社会的基础经济资源是机器,于是动产法取代了土地法的核心地位。
- Reasons for "Leftism"in land-reform during Liberation War are peasonts' intrinsic weakness,malpractice of "An Outline of Land Laws"and poor qualities of Leaders at grass level. 解放战争时期土改中发生左倾错误的原因是:农民本身固有的弱点,全国土地会议和土地法大纲本身存在弊端、漏洞,基层干部素质较差。
- Under the country's Land Law, passed in 1977, all land belongs to the country and co-operatives, and cannot be bought, sold or even occupied. 根据1977年通过的国家土地法,所有土地均属于国家和集体,而且不得买卖,甚至不能占用。
- In the interview, under the place land law enforcement cadre's has the worry to land supply and demand giant gap illegal land impulsion. 采访中,地方土地执法干部对土地供需巨大缺口下的违法用地冲动不无担心。
- In order to better the rural land law system,the paper provides some suggestions and theoretical foundations by analysing existing problem of the current rural land ownership. 通过剖析我国现行农村土地所有权制度存在的问题,就如何完善农村土地所有权制度提出建议,为我国农村土地法律制度的研究提供一些理论基础,为完善我国农村土地法律制度提供一点思路。
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- Solving the social issues in the countryside of China, the rural land problem is the foothold, but it is a breakthrough point which solves the rural land problem and regulate the rural land law. 要想解决中国农村的社会问题,农村土地问题是一个立足点,而完善农村土地法律制度、规范农村土地法律则是解决农村土地问题的切入点。
- In addition to these laws, aquaculture, and the conditions of its development, are affected by a variety of other laws, such as land laws, water laws and environmental regulations. 除这些法律外,水产养殖和其发展条件受多种法律影响,例如土地法、水资源法和环境规定。
- The grant or renewal of land leases after the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant land laws and policies of the Region. 澳门特别行政区成立后新批或续批土地,按照澳门特别行政区有关的土地法律及政策处理。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。