- Jin unites the Three Kingdoms 三分归晋
- Following the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, Chinese calligraphy reached another peak in the jin Dynasty (265-420). 汉代以后,经过六十余年的三国鼎立,进入晋代。书法又出现了一高峰。
- Take for example,the Romance of the Three Kingdoms which reached more or less its present form during the Ming Dynasty. Very few Chinese would have read the History of the Three Kingdoms written during the Jin Dynasty. 例如,《三国演义》在明朝成书,很少人读过晋朝时所著的《三国志》。
- As the three kingdoms were all developing, China was stable. 在接下来的几年里,魏、蜀、吴三国各自发展,天下比较安定。
- Chengdu was the capital of Shu during the Three Kingdoms. 成都是三国时期蜀国的首都。
- Cao Zhi of the State of Wei in the Three Kingdom Period. 魏国的大文豪曹植。
- Lv Meng was a general of Wu during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-180). 三国时期(220-280),吴国有一个叫吕蒙的将军。
- The Romance of the Three Kingdoms will start showing tomorrow on TV. 电视台明天开播《三国演义》。
- Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms are extremely moe! 那本书,不是我买的,帮人买的,买的时候只有最后两本了,这书现在在上海浦东某处
- Zhuge Liang was a virtuous and talented person in the period of the three kingdoms. 三国时期诸葛亮是一位贤能之人。
- The Battle of the Red Cliffs determined the triangular balance of power of the three kingdoms, Wei, Shu and Wu. 赤壁之战决定了魏、蜀、吴三国鼎足之势。
- Adjacent to the street, a newly-built curved brick wall unites the three originally separate buildings while redesigning exits and entrances of different functional spaces. 在建筑临街部分,有一面新建的曲面砖墙将原有的三栋不同的建筑联系在了一起,并以此重新组织了通往不同功能的出入口。
- It is easier to understand Sun Zi's principles through the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". 如果透过《三国演义》,倒是更容易理解孙子兵法的原理。
- It is easier to understand Sun Zi's principles through the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. 如果透过《三国演义》,倒是更容易理解孙子兵法的原理。
- He united the three major heavyweight titles for the first time in nine years. 他首次在九年内独揽了重量级的三个桂冠。
- The ancient pathways of Shu divide the Three Kingdoms, the White Horse Pass tells of the battlefield legends. 天下三分古蜀道,征战传奇白马关。
- During the Three Kingdoms Period (200-280), a dancer named Zheng Feipeng was in love with Wei Sinu, a drummer. 三国时代(公元200--265)的舞伎郑飞蓬与鼓手卫斯奴从小相爱,
- Zhu Geliang was a virtuous and talented person in the period of the Three Kingdoms. 三国时期,诸葛亮是一位贤能之人。
- D. 428, Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty ordered Peisongzhi to make notes for Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms. 元嘉五年(428年),宋文帝下诏命裴氏注《三国志》,上呈,文帝赞其为不朽之作。
- "San Guo Online" is an adventure game based on war stories from the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history. 《铁血三国志》以三国时期战争故事为背景,是一款冒险类网络游戏。