- JOHANN STRAUSS II Kunstler Quadrille op. 艺术家四对舞曲。
- Johann Strauss II-Napoleon Marsch op. 156 拿破仑进行曲 2.
- Johann Strauss II-Russischer Marsch op. 426 俄罗斯进行曲 15.
- Was composed by the German composer-- Johann Strauss Junior. 是由德国作曲家小约翰。施特劳斯创作的。
- Johann Strauss the younger wrote more than 400 waltzes, ? 小施特劳斯写了400多首圆舞曲,是吗?
- Johann Strauss II-An der schonen,blauen Donau,Walzer op. 314 蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲 21.
- Sorry, not "Wine, Woman, &Roses" as Johann Strauss would insist. 对不起,没有’约翰-史特劳丝’所要求的-“醇酒、美人、和玫瑰”。
- In Johann Strauss it's similar,only with more of a smile,fewer tears. 在约翰·施特劳斯的作品里,可以发现同样的情形,只不过笑声多一点,泪水少一点。
- Strauss'son Johann Strauss,established himself as the waltz king in Vienna. 斯特劳斯的儿子约翰·斯特劳斯在维也纳成了“华尔兹之王”。
- Strauss' son Johann Strauss, established himself as the waltz king in Vienna. 斯特劳斯的儿子约翰·特劳斯在维也纳成了“华尔兹之王”。
- Johann Strauss I ruled over this mythical realm of music during the first part of the 19th century. 老约翰·施特劳斯在19世纪上半叶统治着这个神话般的音乐王国。
- The son, Johann Strauss the younger, was even more successful and popular than his father. 儿子,小约翰·施特劳斯,甚至比他的父亲还要更加成功,更受人们欢迎。
- But no,it's not a joke.Conducting Johann Strauss is a serious business,and we can lay a safe bet that Harnoncourt will overturn our preconceptions of the Viennese waltz. 不,可这又不是开玩笑,因为指挥约翰·施特劳斯的音乐是一件非常严肃的工作。我们坚信:哈农考特肯定会打破我们对维也纳华尔兹固有的观念。
- Conducting Johann Strauss is a serious business,and we can lay a safe bet that Harnoncourt will overturn our preconceptions of the Viennese waltz. 我们坚信:哈农考特肯定会打破我们对维也纳华尔兹固有的观念。
- The land had grown a lot of mighty musician: Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Peter Schubert and Johann Strauss. 这片土壤,孕育了无数的音乐家如:莫扎特、贝多芬、舒伯特以及约翰史特劳斯。
- With this piece he proved himself to be the true successor to Johann Strauss, who had died two and a half years earlier. 凭这一曲赖哈尔证明了自己是两年半以前逝世的约翰-斯特劳斯真正的后继者。
- Strauss' son Johann Strauss, established himself as the waltz king in Vienna. Chopin complained that classical music was being ignored in favour of the waltz. 斯特劳斯的儿子约翰·斯特劳斯在维也纳成了“华尔兹之王”。 肖邦抱怨说,由于人们对华尔兹的偏爱,古典音乐正在受到忽现。
- But no,it's not a joke. Conducting Johann Strauss is a serious business,and we can lay a safe bet that Harnoncourt will overturn our preconceptions of the Viennese waltz. 不,可这又不是开玩笑,因为指挥约翰·施特劳斯的音乐是一件非常严肃的工作。 我们坚信:哈农考特肯定会打破我们对维也纳华尔兹固有的观念。
- During their tour in China, they will perform Chinese music as well as classic waltzes of Johann Strauss' and also works of Mozart and other well-known composers. 她们此次访华乐团将演奏斯特劳斯经典圆舞曲及莫扎特等音乐家作品,也将演出部分中国音乐作品。
- The Danube is not blue like what "The Blue Danube"(written by Johann Strauss the Younger) tells us, maybe the reason is caused by the flood a couple of days before. 由于前几周多瑙河经历洪水的缘故,所以看上去并不是我们所熟悉的“蓝色多瑙河”(小约翰.;施特劳斯)。