- He was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey. 他受惠于约翰·杜威的开创性工作。
- John Dewey (1850 - 1952) was a world - wide known educator. 杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952)是世界著名的教育家。
- John Dewey is a very famous American educator and philosopher in pragmatism. 约翰·杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952)是美国著名的现代实用主义哲学家、教育学家。
- The key to the Black Mountain poetics is to be found in American pragmatism as exemplified by John Dewey. 黑山诗学的基调可以从以约翰·杜威为范例的美国实用主义及其盲目乐观主义中看到。
- Form was treated as something intrinsic,as the very essence of the thing- John Dewey. 形式被看作是固有的东西,就象一个事物最真实的本质--约翰·杜威。
- The approach Rorty wants to inherit and critically develop John Dewey's philosophy is always disputed in American philosophy. 摘要罗蒂对杜威哲学遗产的批判、继承、利用和发展在美国哲学界一直是有争议的。
- See John Dewey, Liberalism and Social Action, The Later Works of John Dewey, Vol.11, p34. {16}悉尼?克为《杜威全集》(期著作)九卷《民主主义与教育》写的导言,载约翰?威:《民主主义与教育》“附录”,王承绪译,人民教育出版社1990年版,第389页。
- Base classroom on John Dewey and Foxfire philosophiles5, which say education should reflect society. 班级教学是以约翰·威和福克斯法尔的教育观念为基础的,他们认为教育应该反映社会。
- Ethics of John Dewey is one of the most creative and vital aspects of his philosophy. 摘要杜威的伦理学是他的哲学的最有创见、最具活力的部分之一。
- His pedagogical thinking has influenced many educators, such as Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel, John Dewey and so on. 他的这一教育思想影响到了后来的裴斯泰洛齐、福禄贝尔、杜威等一大批教育家。
- John Dewey put forward much thoughts of greet value in vocational education,such as the ideal plan and the implement measures. 杜威在20世纪初就已提出很有价值的职业教育思想,对职业教育的重要性、理想的职业教育计划以及职业教育的实施措施都提出了许多独到的见解。
- After he fell in love, John Dewey became one of the greatest of American thinkers. Nancy Bunge describes Alice Chipman's impact on Dewey's Psychology. 在他坠入情网后,约翰杜威成为美国最伟大的思想家之一。南希.;本格描述了爱丽斯。查普曼对杜威的心理学的影响
- According to John Dewey, experience, as the interaction between organism and environment, means a whole process of doing and undergoing. 摘要在杜威那里,作为有机体与环境之间相互作用的经验,意味着做和受的完整过程。
- John Dewey participated in the movement and focused on the progress of it and made great contribution to its sound development. 在美国儿童研究运动中,杜威参与其中,关注运动的进程,为运动的健康发展做出了重要贡献。
- Peirce, and John Dewey, thinkers who together were more responsible than any other group for moving American thought into the modern world. 他们共同为美国思想走向现代世界贡献出了超出其他任何人、任何团体的力量。
- John Dewey's moral imagination model is a humanized moral reflection and practice, which marks the highest achievement in Dewey's philosophy. 摘要杜威的道德想象模式是一种人性化的道德思考和实践,是其哲学思想集大成的产物。
- John dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must stimulate the curiosity and creativity of children. john dewey相信教育应该为生活做准备,一个人通过实践和教育学到的必须能激发小孩的好奇心和创造力。
- Now situatated learning is developing, its theoretical basis are the philosophy of John Dewey's pragmatism, situational awareness and learning theory and common elements theory. 摘要情境性学习的研究方兴未艾,其理论基础是杜威的实用主义哲学、情境认知与学习理论、共同要素说等。
- This study analyzes the main features of American education and explores its application of the educational theory of John Dewey, the famous American philosopher and educator. 本文着力分析美国教育的主要特点,探求其对美国著名哲学家和教育学家约翰杜威先生的教育理论的具体应用。
- From the end of 19th century to the early 20th century, the American educators brought forward the idea of "activity curriculum", and John Dewey was their commissary. 19世纪末20世纪初,美国教育家以杜威为代表提出了“活动课程”思想,掀起了“进步教育运动”,深刻地影响了当时的中国教育者,推动了当时的中国教育改革。