- John域John Domains
- 听John和justinSection B Listen to the phone conversation between John and Justin. Choose the correct answers.
- 我知道你会喜欢john本人的。I know you will like John as a person.
- 运行以下命令为用户John启用MAPIRun the following command to enable MAPI for the user John
- 嗨,John,我是Mary lee,你在哪里?Hi, john. this is mary lee speaking. where is you?
- John容易呕吐,所以他不适合当医生。John is squeamish, so he's not cut out for being a doctor.
- 嗨,John,我是Mary Lee,你在哪里"Hi, John. This is Mary Lee speaking. Where are you? "
- 这里需要您的John hancock以完成交易。I need your John Hancock here to complete the deal.
- 我们这里有两位先生姓黄。是Bob黄还是John黄"We have two Huang here. Is that bob Huang, or John Huang? "
- John Steinbech “pearl”的修辞特色赏析Appreciation of Rhetorical Features in 'Pearl'By John Steinbeck
- 啊 Richard Marilyn 我向你们介绍John O'Neill。Ah, Richard, Marilyn, I want you to meet John O'Neill.
- 你有没有住在旧金山的John davis先生的电话号码?Do you had the number for mr. john davis in san francisco?
- 获得了John基上的一组Pythagroras型不等式。(iii) Pythagorean inequalities for convex bodies on John basis have been gained.
- John在她的头上抚摸,摸到了一个被砸起的肿块。John felt around her skull until his fingers reached the bump.
- 对John来说,豪华生活便是跟着有钱朋友周围去。La dolce vita for John simply means going around with his rich friends.
- 下个月,John和我将庆祝我们的结婚四十周年纪念日。John and I celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month.
- 杜威(John Dewey,1859-1952)是世界著名的教育家。John Dewey (1850 - 1952) was a world - wide known educator.
- John是一个才华出众的歌手,有一天他一定会成为明星。John is an extraordinary singer. One day he will become a star.
- 他认为John说要去波士顿居住是一句玩笑话,女士则说。John must have been joking when he said that he was going to live in Boston.
- 这样,做厨师的可能被叫做John the Cook(约翰厨师)。Thus the man who was a cook might be called John the Cook.