- Joint Planning Graphics Module 联合计划制图舱
- Joint Planning and Execution Graphics 联合计划与执行图
- To resize the floor plan so it fits the drawing page, drag one of the green selection handles on the floor plan graphic. 要调整平面图的大小以使其适合绘图页,请拖动一个平面图图形的绿色选择手柄。
- Report of the Maputo Joint Planning workshop which took place in Maputo, Mozambique from 31 August to 1 September 2005. 于2005年8月31日至9月1日在莫桑比克马普托举办的马普托联合计划讲习班的报告。
- A Joint Planning Office (JPO), located at the WMO Secretariat in Geneva, supports the JSTC in its efforts. 设在日内瓦世界气象组织秘书处的联合计划办公室(JPO)支持JSTC的工作。
- Recently, Gansu Province Zhangye City land reserve center on the Town Planning Board and planning area of land reserves and the establishment of joint planning mechanism. 日前,甘肃省张掖市土地储备中心和规划局就该市城市规划区范围内土地储备经营中的规划问题建立联动机制。
- Truly producing a wide range of LCD panels and LCD modules at standard products and custom design, character and graphic module in COB or package IC driven.Backlight option in LED, EL or CCFL. 信利提供一系列标准液晶显示屏及模块、点阵文字及图像,亦提供可配背光源以供选择,更可跟据客人设计而生产。
- May develop a range of products including device drivers, patches, operating system modifications, graphics modules, etc. 可能开发一系列产品包括设备驱动、补丁、操作系统的修改、图形模块等。
- Joint Planning and Execution Community 联合计划制定和执行单位
- Joint Planning Orientation Course 联合计划熟悉情况课程
- Joint Planning and Execution Course 联合计划与执行课程
- Study of Data Analysis and Decision System Based on Graphic Module Technology 基于图形组件的数据分析决策系统研究
- Joint Planning and Execution Database 联合计划与执行数据库
- Select the floor plan graphic and do one of the following 选择平面图图形并执行下列操作之一
- Joint Planning and Execution Steering Committee 联合计划与执行筹备指导委员会
- Joint Planning and Scheduling Group 联合计划与安排组
- The Extend of InteCast CAE Post-processor Real Time Dynamic Graphics Module In Depth 华铸CAE后处理实时动态图形模块的深度扩展
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。
- She fell and put her knee out of joint. 她摔得膝关节脱臼了。
- The doctor put his bone into the joint again. 医生使他的骨头复位。