- Joke: Who was the first Ma 开心一刻
- Who was the first Chinese member of IOC? 谁是中国第一个国际奥委会的成员?
- Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada? 谁是加拿大第一位总理?
- Who was the first to cross the line? 第一个冲过终点线的人是谁?
- Who was the first person to split the atom? 谁是分裂原子的第一人?
- Who was the first to breast the tape? 谁第一个到达终点?
- Who was the first man to run a mile in under four minutes? 谁第一个在四分钟以内跑完了一英里?
- Who was the first man to make an ascent in a balloon? 第一个乘气球升空的人是谁?
- Who was the first to break the tape? 谁第一个到达终点的?
- Who was the first President of the United States? 美国第一任总统?
- Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia? 澳洲第一个总理是?
- WHO was the first modern artist? 谁是第一个现代艺术家?
- Behar: Who was the first person you did tell? 谁是妳第一位倾诉的对象?
- Who was the first person to run a mile in under four minutes? 是谁第一个用了不到四分钟跑完一英里?
- Who was the first organization to act against this killing? 是哪个组织首先对这场惨杀进行反击?
- Who was the first person to sail across the Pacific? 谁是第一个横渡太平洋的人?
- Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的。
- Who was the first prime minister of Canada Sir John A. MacDonald. 加拿大的第一任首相是谁约翰麦当劳爵士。
- Who was the first man to make an ascentin a balloon? 第一个乘气球升空的人是谁?
- So the million dollar question: Who was the first Urdu poet? 如此百万个美元问题:谁是第一Urdu诗人?