- Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra 何塞·马里奥·贝拉斯科·伊瓦拉
- "From now on we will play with 12 players on the pitch," said the club's president Jose Maria Del Nido. “从现在开始我们在球场上将有12名球员,”俱乐部主席何塞-马利亚-德-尼多说。
- Sevilla president Jose Maria del Nido has not revealed which clubs made the latest offers. 塞维利亚主席胡塞-玛利亚-德尔-尼多没有透露哪个俱乐部提供了最新的报价。
- SEVILLE have turned down two fresh bids for defender Daniel Alves, according to club president Jose Maria del Nido. 来自俱乐部主席何塞玛丽亚德尔尼多的消息,塞维利亚已经拒绝了两个对后卫丹尼尔阿尔维斯最新的报价。
- The sought-after defender feels he has been badly let down by Sevilla president Jose Maria Del Nido. 他认为塞维利亚的主席何塞马里德尔尼多实在让他感到失望。
- There are reports that Napoli are lining up an audacious bid for Real Madrid vice-captain Jose Maria Gutierrez. 有报导说那不勒斯正开出一个大胆的价钱求购皇马副队长古蒂.
- The announcement came a day after Zapatero assumed office from Jose Maria Aznar, who supported the U. 该声明是Zapatero接替Jose Maria Aznar后作出的。
- "We got this news for breakfast," said Jose Maria Bello, SOC Director of Communications. 小罗加盟后,萨基曾经说过:这支米兰还缺少一名后卫。
- Campaigners against global warming have been likened to creators of an intolerant new religion by the former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar. 与全球变暖斗争到底的人们被西班牙前首相何塞玛丽亚阿斯纳尔喻为一个令人无法忍受的新宗教的创始人。
- "We need to see if the president [Jose Maria] Del Nido considers it, but we cannot really say anything as we are not certain. “我们需要看看俱乐部主席德尔-尼多是否能够考虑这笔转会,现在我们无法谈论些什么,因为我们无法确定任何事。”
- Sevilla president Jose Maria del Nido appears to be resigned to losing Julio Baptista and has hit out at the player's agents for engineering a transfer. 塞维利亚的经理德尔尼多看起来要屈从于放弃巴普蒂斯塔了,他已经要求球员的经纪人去促成一桩转会。
- OPEC president Jose Maria Botelho de Vasconcelos told the Global Think Tank Summit in Beijing Friday a crude oil price of $68-71 a barrel was the best for a stable industry. 石油输出国组织(欧佩克)轮值主席德瓦斯康塞洛斯3日在北京举行的全球智库峰会上表示,油价每桶68美元至71美元对生产者和消费者而言都是合适的。过度投机会对石油产业产生破坏性影响。
- The striker’s agent Jose Maria Mesalles met with Milan chief Adriano Galliani in Milan on Friday evening and the pair spoke about an economic deal for the Barcelona striker. 这名射手的经纪人梅塞莱斯在周五晚上与米兰主席加利亚尼进行了一次会面,他们商量了为这名巴萨射手最经济的转会方式。
- The marriage,ending months of speculation about Fox's relationship with Sahagun,occurred less than two hours before Fox met Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar for an official welcoming ceremony at the National Palace in the center of Mexico City. 两人的结合为数月来有关他俩的种种揣测划上了句号。婚礼过后不到两个小时,福克斯就在墨西哥城中心的国家宫主持仪式,欢迎来访的西班牙总理胡塞-阿兹纳尔。
- The marriage, ending months of speculation about Fox's relationship with Sahagun, occurred less than two hours before Fox met Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar for an official welcoming ceremony at the National Palace in the center of Mexico City. 两人的结合为数月来有关他俩的种种揣测划上了句号。 婚礼过后不到两个小时,福克斯就在墨西哥城中心的国家宫主持仪式,欢迎来访的西班牙总理胡塞-阿兹纳尔。
- News: OPEC president Jose Maria Botelho de Vasconcelos told the Global Think Thank Summit in Beijing Friday a crude oil price of $68-71 a barrel was the best for a stable industry. 石油输出国组织(欧佩克)轮值主席德瓦斯康塞洛斯3日在北京举行的全球智库峰会上表示,油价每桶68美誉那至71美元对生产者和消费者而言都是合适的。过度投机会对石油产业产生破坏性影响。
- But after hearing reports that Chelsea have offered £17million for Alves, Sevilla president Jose Maria del Nido scoffed at the rumours, insisting no formal approach had been made. 但是在听到有报道说切尔西出价1700万镑买阿尔维斯的时候,塞维利亚主席德尔尼多对这些传闻嗤之以鼻,坚称没有收到任何正式的报价。
- Cape Verde Prime Minister Jose Maria Pereira Neves says the Economic Community of West African States defends strict compliance with constitutional order and respect for the rule of law. 佛得角总理内维斯称,西非国家经济共同体将严格遵守宪法秩序,尊重法律准则。
- The Andalucians' president, Jose Maria del Nido, made the announcement as pressure mounts over whether to cash in on their Brazilian star or risk losing him for a lot less next summer. 这家安达卢西亚的俱乐部的主席,Jose Maria del Nido发表了这份声明。目前,塞维利亚面临着很大压力,要么现在卖掉巴普蒂斯塔套现,要么等到明年夏天,俱乐部很可能人财两空。
- Sevilla president Jose Maria Del Nido said earlier this week: "His (Baptista's) agents are continuously sending us messages saying he does not want to renew his contract and that he is not happy. 塞维利亚主席JoseMariaDelNido本周早些时候表示:“他(巴普蒂斯塔)的经纪人正在继续向我们传递他不兴奋,不想续约的信号。