- Journal of Newspaper Study 《报学杂志》
- He kept a journal of his wanderings across Asia. 他记自己漫游亚洲的日记。
- He ran the gauntlet of newspaper attacks. 他遭到报纸的抨击。
- They wrapped fish and chips in a sheet of newspaper. 他们把鱼和马铃薯片用一张报纸包起来。
- He writes for a journal of popular science. 他为一家大众科学杂志撰稿。
- Father keeps a journal of his activities. 我父亲有记录每天活动的习惯。
- The study was published Dec. 12 in the Journal of Neuroscience. 此项研究于12月发表在神经系统科学杂志。
- That kind of newspaper is rubbish. 那种类型的报纸就是垃圾。
- The New England Journal of Medicine published the study. 英格兰杂志发表了这次研究。
- The boy tore a sheet of newspaper to pieces. 那个小男孩将一张报纸撕得粉碎。
- This gives the sheet of newspaper a grain. 这就使得报纸的纸张带有纹理。
- This kind of newspaper can be stowed away. 这种报纸可以保存。
- This kind of newspaper is alternative press. 这种报纸是非正统性报刊。
- The doctor reads the Journal of Medical Science. 这位医生在阅读《医学科学》杂志。
- She is fond of newspaper clipping. 她很喜欢剪报。
- He kept a journal of his travels across Asia. 他把自己的亚洲之行记录下来了。
- Belgian Journal of Banking and Finance. 比利时金融银行杂志。
- Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics. 印度理论物理杂志。印度。
- The results of the study are published in Journal of Neuroscience. 该研究成果在《神经系统科学》上发表。
- IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. 数学及其应用学会管理数学杂志。