- Juedi Tongtian 绝地天通
- Take the lead in crossing the Tongtian Bridge. 渊源说他打头儿。
- Four master Tongtian He came to the edge. 师徒四人来到通天河边。
- If Tongtian column, so that the soul was shocked passers-by. 如通天立柱,令路人心灵为之震撼。
- I do not know after a few days, Tongtian He went to four. 不知过了几日,四人又来到通天河。
- TongTian(TT) believes that TT is on the way home and on the way to over finity. 通天相信自己正走在回家的路上, 走在通向永恒的路上。
- Stone House, the County has Tongtian Permian rocks such as the floor named after. 石楼,因县东有通天山石叠如楼而得名。
- Tongtian Zhongzhou points to the road to the altar, one day it will go up first. 去中州祭坛点通天之路,一天可以上去一次.
- Tang West to learn from their experience, it is of Tianshui, of course, Tongtian He had to. 唐僧去西天取经,就是走的天水,当然要过通天河。
- The county seat of Qumalai has been moved twice due to a lack of water in the Tongtian River, a tributary of the Yangtze River. “另外,公路一旦经过沼泽湿地发育区,势必将整块湿地人为分为两片,使地处下游的湿地因失去水体补给而退化。”
- Major general landscape rocks, the size of the goal, Tongtian door, side gap, Chingtien bergamot, fig, such as sitting石奇. 主要景观有将军岩、大小龙门、通天门、侧身隙、佛手擎天、坐石奇榕等。
- The 370 kilometers long Tuotuo River began to flow to the Southeast after joining the Zhangqu River to become the Tongtian River. 沱沱河在流淌了370多千米后与当曲汇合,向东南流去形成通天河。
- Here is a clear spring of the cave, called “Tongtian Spring”. It runs all year round, a symbol of our long-lasting friendship. 请看这是洞天福地的清泉,我们称为“通天泉”。它一年四季川流不息,象征着朋友们的友谊源远流长。
- The Tongtian is over 8,000 kilometers long and meet the Jingsha River at the mouth of the Batang River at the Yushu County, Qinghai Province. 通天河在经过813千米的行程后,在青海玉树县巴塘河口进入了金沙江。
- We are Shenzhen Tongtian Electronic Engineering Co., Ltd., our company is professional to do the installation of satellite television receivers and debugging. 我们是深圳市通天电子工程有限公司,我公司是做专业卫星电视接收和安装调试的。
- However, He fell into Tongtian River because he forgot to ask the life to Buddha for the big tortoise in that river, which made some of the scriptures blur. 可是回去的路上,却因为忘记了之前曾经答应通天河大龟的请求,没有帮助它询问修行结束的时间,从而被大龟把所有的经书都给丢到了河里面,有些书被弄湿了从而字迹模糊,还有些书在晾晒的时候被弄破了。
- Tongtian He said that before. 先说通天河。
- Tang Priest and his three disciples traveled westward. One night, they arrived at the Tongtian River, which was 800kilometers wide with torrential waters. They had to put up for the night in a nearby village because they had no way to cross the river. 唐僧师四人,一路往西行,傍晚来到通天河。只见河宽八百里,水势凶猛,无法渡过,只好在附近村子借宿一夜。
- West route. Some 1.5 million cubic meters of water is envisaged to be diverted from Dadu, Yalong and Tongtian rivers on the upper reaches of the Yellow River to Ningxia and Inner Mongolian autonomous regions and Shaanxi and Shanxi provinces. 西线工程:从大渡河、雅砻江、通天河调水150亿立方米到黄河上游,供宁夏、内蒙古、陕西、山西用水。
- The group soon learned that in the Tongtian River there was a spirit who asked the village to send him a virgin girla virgin boy every year as a sacrifice.And this year was Chen Cheng‘s turn. 经询问才知道通天河有一妖怪,要村里人每年送一对童男童女给它吃,今年正好轮到陈澄家送人。