- The film featured Julia Roberts. 这部电影由朱丽艾。罗伯特主演。
- And yet he rose again, alongside Julia Roberts in Notting Hill. 但他又重新崛起,同朱莉娅·罗伯茨共同出演了《新娘百分百》,
- Eric Roberts just happens to be Julia Roberts big brother. 艾立克?罗勃兹恰巧是茱莉亚?罗勃兹的哥哥。
- Leehom: You mean the girl that looks kind of like Julia Roberts? 力宏:你是说那个长得有点儿像朱丽娅·罗伯茨的女孩?
- The two leading actors of this film are Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts. 片中的两位女主角是苏珊·萨兰登和朱丽娅·罗伯茨。
- I suppose there will be and American feature film with Julia Roberts tonight. 我想今晚会有一部由朱丽亚。罗伯茨主演的美国故事片。
- Her innocent sex appeal has made comparisons between Sandra and Hollywood princess Julia Roberts inescapable. 她的纯情女性形象使人难免把她同好莱坞公主朱利娅.;罗伯茨相互比较。
- Then he was back, in Notting Hill where he starred alongside Julia Roberts in the"sequel"to his biggest hit. 但他又重振旗鼓,在《新娘百分百》中与朱莉娅·罗伯茨演对手戏,这只是他最成功影片的续篇之一。
- Then he was back,in Notting Hill where he starred alongside Julia Roberts in the"sequel"to his biggest hit. 但他又重振旗鼓,在《新娘百分百》中与朱莉娅·罗伯茨演对手戏,这只是他最成功影片的续篇之一。
- All of Danny Ocean's guy pals will be back, but Julia Roberts and Catherine Zeta-Jones sit this one out. 丹尼·逊将带着原班兄弟重出江湖,不过朱莉娅·伯茨和凯萨琳·塔·斯将缺阵本次的演出。
- Instead of being known as Eric or Lisa Roberts, they are often referred to as Julia Roberts' big brother and sister. 与其被人当做艾立克或丽莎?罗勃兹,他们更常被人称为茱莉亚?罗勃兹的哥哥或姐姐。
- Linda: Let's go see a movie tonight. There's a new Julia Roberts film opening tonight. 我们今天晚上一起去看电影吧。茱莉亚萝柏兹的新片今晚首映。
- Julia Roberts goes from Pretty Woman to super-mum, as she gives birth to twins, Hazel and Phi. 月,好莱坞巨星朱丽亚-罗伯茨产下一对龙凤胎。
- Keatsy: And Pamela Anderson, Cameron Diaz and Julia Roberts! Hehe, that's settled then, let's go to LA! 齐兹:帕玛拉安德森,卡梅伦迪亚兹,朱丽亚罗伯茨!呵呵,就这么定了吧,去洛杉矶了!
- This year's best actor Russell Crowe and best actress Julia Roberts can expect to live almost four years longer than performers who have never scooped an Academy Award. 本年度最佳男演员拉塞尔·克劳和最佳女演员朱莉亚·罗伯茨比那些从未获得过奥斯卡奖的演员有望多活四年左右。
- I 've never even heard of Greta Garbo. Why don't you watch some Julia Roberts movies? I hear she's engaged! 我从来没有听到过有个演员叫做,你为什么不看些的电影呢?我听说她订婚了!
- Bruce Willis, Julia Roberts, Jimmy Smits, Wesley Snipes, Lou Diamond Phillips, John Leguizamo, Ving Rhames, Charles S. 这提醒了我,还有哪个好莱坞的TV Show比Miami Vice拥有更多的友情出演明星吗?
- She says it'd be cool if Drew Barrymore Britney Spears Julia Roberts or Susan Sarandon guest star on Lizzie McGuire. 希拉蕊说,如果茱儿芭莉摩、小甜甜布兰妮、茱莉亚罗勃玆、苏珊莎兰登可以客串莉琪的异想世界,那会很酷!
- There were a lot of famous people there: Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, to name but two. 那里有很多名人:只提两个名字吧,有汤姆 汉克斯和朱莉娅 罗伯茨。
- Julia Roberts looks on course to win her10 th award for favourite female movie star at this year's People's Choice Awards on Sunday in Los Angeles. 周日(月9日)在洛杉矶颁发的本年度“美国全民直选大奖”中,朱丽娅·伯茨有望捧回她的第十个“最受欢迎女影星”奖。