- Counter-Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School; 戡乱和丛林战学校;
- Jungle Warfare School 丛林战学校
- Field Marshal William Slim in Burma made this kind of mental leap when he learned to find and exploit the advantages of jungle warfare and turned the tables on the Japanese. 陆军元帅威廉姆·斯利姆在缅甸学习发现和探索丛林带来的便利后实现了这种思维的跳跃,成功扭转了对日本人的劣势。
- ANZAC Special Air Service units were the ultimate in terms of silent patrolling, and were unquestionably among the finest professional soldiers in theatre.Their mastery of jungle warfare was absolute. ANZAC的SAS单位在无声巡逻方面毫无疑问是顶尖的高手.;他们的野战技术是绝对的
- Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare School 舰队反潜战学校
- Fleet Anti-Submarine Warfare School 舰队反潜战学校
- Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare School 陆战队两栖作战学校
- United States Army Special Warfare School 美国陆军特种作战学校
- Army Snow and Mountain Warfare School 陆军雪地与山地作战学校
- Canadian Forces Marine Warfare School 加拿大部队海上作战学校
- Consolidated Navy Electronic Warfare School 联合海军电子战学院
- A bull elephant was rampaging about in the jungle. 一头雄象在丛林里横冲直撞。
- The tiger loped off into the jungle. 那老虎跑进丛林中去了。
- Tropical plants abound in the jungle. 丛林中有大量的热带植物。
- You need to be tough to survive in the jungle. 要在丛林中活下来就要有坚忍不拔的意志。
- They hewed their way through the dense jungle. 他们在浓密的丛林里开辟出一条路来。
- The tiger dragged its kill into the jungle. 这只老虎拖着它的猎物进了丛林。
- There's not much jungle 100 miles inland. 向内地100英里处丛林较少。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- Earth-moving equipment pierced through the jungle. 推土机穿过丛林。