- Junichirou Tanizaki 谷崎润一郎
- Junichirou Watanabe, a famous contemporary writer, wrote a lot of novels with the subject of sexual love in extramarital affairs. 渡边淳一是日本当代的著名作家,他创作了很多以婚外恋中的男女的性爱为题材的小说。
- Though born and brought up in Tokyo, Tanizaki eventually found his literary hometown in Kansai, a city with profound classical atmosphere. 做为土生土长的东京人,却在具有浓郁古典气息的关西找到了自己心中文学的故乡。
- This is funny, intelligent and passionate, and also semi-autobiographical as it was Tanizaki's final work, written during his own illness. 这部小说滑稽、理智而热烈,也是一部半自传体小说,因为它是谷崎在疾病中完成的最后作品。
- In his last years, Tanizaki was still active in writing in different styles, raising such new problems as old age and sex and exploring resolutions to them. 晚年的谷崎依然笔耕不辍,尝试着用不同的文体进行创作,提出了老年和性这些新的问题并试图探索解决之道。
- Tanizaki ....short story Shir? 谷崎润一郎 Junichir?
- Having experienced the worship for Western literature and the swing between Eastern and Western cultures, Tanizaki at last made clear the direction of his writing career in Kansai. 经历了对西方文艺的崇拜,在东西方文化的摆渡中,谷崎还是在关西这片土地上找到了自己文学的前进方向。
- Tanizaki Junichirou 谷崎润一郎
- Tanizaki Junichirō 谷崎润一郎(1886-1965),日本人,小说家。
- Tanozaki Junichirou 谷崎润一郎
- Tanizakin Junichirou 谷崎润一郎
- Tanizaki Jun'ichiro 谷崎润一郎
- Tanizaki Junichiro 谷崎润一郎
- Sekino Junichirō 关野准一郎(1914-),日本人,版画家。
- Tanizaki 谷崎(姓,日本)
- Koizumi Junichirō 小泉纯一郎(1942-),日本人,曾任首相。
- Tanizaki Seiji 谷崎精二(1890-1971),日本人,小说家、评论家。
- Shimbo Junichirō 真保润一郎(1923-),日本人,经济学教授。
- Tanizaki Jun'ichirou 谷崎润一郎
- Sako Junichirō 佐古纯一郎(1919-),日本人,评论家。