- Definition: Juniper consists of the dried ripe cone berry of Juniperus communis L. 本品为柏科植物欧洲刺柏Juniperus communis L.;的干燥的成熟球果。
- Definition: Essential oil obtained by steam distillation from the ripe, non-fermented berry cones of Juniperus communis L. 本品为柏科植物欧洲刺柏Juniperus communis L.;的成熟未发酵的球果经水蒸气蒸馏得到的挥发油。
- Juniperus communis 欧刺柏
- TISSUE CULTURE OF Amygdalus communis L. 巴旦杏的组织培养。
- Oil of cedarwood, virginia. ({Juniperus} {virginiana} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essential oils.
- Environmental behavior of zinc in Ricinus communis L. 蓖麻对重金属锌的耐性与吸收积累研究。
- Study on the Cultivation and Application of Amygdalus communis L. 扁桃的利用价值及栽培技术。
- Studies on Vascular System Anatomy of the Flower of Commelina communis L. 鸭跖草花部维管束系统解剖学研究。
- Ricinine is one of main toxic alkaloid in castor bean (Ricinus communis L.). 蓖麻碱是蓖麻中的主要毒素之一,具有一定的生物活性。
- Castor (Ricinus communis) is planted from north area to south area in China. 蓖麻在中国分布较广,从南到北均可栽培。
- The paper dealt with the kernels and hulls of Lindera Communis Hemsl. 对香果的果仁油及壳油进行了详细的研究,并对仁油及壳油进行了动物试验。
- Juniperus sabina L. ,a folk medicinal plant ,belong to the multiseeds of Junioerus of Cupressaceae family. 新疆圆柏(Juniperus Sabina L.;)
- Hackmatack essence oil is abstracted from Juniperus oxycedrus in a steaming and distillating way. 杜松精华油是以杜松木以蒸气蒸馏法提炼而成。
- Speed hours by car to the boxed varieties Juniperus chinensis Bo into Chinese littleleaf box-form ribbons color. 快慢分车带的绿篱品种由桧柏改为以黄杨为主,形成色带色块。
- COMTE G, ALLASE D P, CHULIA A J, et al. Three phenylpropanoids from Juniperus phcenicea[J]. 梅文莉;吴娇;戴好富.;三尖杉属植物化学成分与药理活性研究进展[J]
- Insecticidal activity of deoxypodo- phyllotoxin,isolated from juniperus Sabina L. 高蓉,高聪芬,田暄,余向阳, Xudong Di ,Hang Xiao,张兴*.
- IKE is based on the intersect of economy communi cating and intercultural communicating,and the three is of unity. 知识经济、经济交际学和跨文化交际学之间具有统一性。
- Genus of fungi that produce galls on cedars and other conifers of genera Juniperus and Libocedrus and causes rust spots on apples and pears and other plants of family Rosaceae. 在雪松和别的松类植物上产出苦汁的真菌的属,在苹果树和梨树和别的植物上造成菌锈的蔷薇科的属。
- IKE is based on the intersect of economy communi cating and intercultural communicating, and the three is of unity. 知识经济、济交际学和跨文化交际学之间具有统一性。
- Results showed that among 13 tree species the dragon juniper (Juniperus chinensis) had the highest dust deposition rates on their leaves. 结果显示13种常见植物中以龙柏乾叶片对尘土滞尘率为最高,而褔木为最低。