- Just look after number one! 照顾自己的利益,为自己打算!
- You can depend on it that she'll always look after number one. 她总是关心自身的利益,对这一点可以打包票。
- Can depend on it that she'll always look after number one. 她总是关心自身的利益,可这一点我可以打包票。
- A fellow can't expect to be a success if he doesn't look after number one. 不知照顾自己利益的人是无望成功的。
- You have to look after number one in the competitive world of big business. 在大商业竞争的世界里,你得注意保护自己。
- Looking after number one is all she thinks about. 她一心只想着照顾自己。
- He's not in the least addicted to looking after number one. 他从来不把自己放在第一位。
- Living so far away from your parents, you should learn to look after number one. 父母不再身边,你可要学着照顾好自己。
- I can certainly assure you I'm looking after number one all right. 我可以肯定地向你保证, 我会照顾好自己的。
- Bill ran away when we were attacked by those bullies yesterday.As usual, he thought only of looking after number one. 昨天那些小霸王袭击我们时,比尔赶紧逃走了,通常他只顾自己。
- Speciality number look after number one; 士兵的号数,入位编号编号;
- At that time he just looked after his own interest. 那时候他只顾自己。
- No, I mean you know, I mean we never like to say anything like that, because basically if we did and we didn't go to number one, we'd just look like 8)woolies. 不,你知道我的意思吧,我是说我们不可能说过那样的话,因为假设是我们这么说过,但又没拿第一,我们可就懵了。
- No, I mean you know, I mean we never like to say anything like that, because basically if we did and we didn’t go to number one, we’d just look like 8)woolies. 不,你知道我的意思吧,我是说我们不可能说过那样的话,因为假设是我们这么说过,但又没拿第一,我们可就懵了。
- At that time she just looked after her own interest. 那时候她只顾自己的利益。
- look after number one 照顾自己的利益,为自己打算
- For a wise government or a wise people, it takes more to be wise than just looking after people materially, but that is one of the starting points. 不过贤明的政府或智者不只是要照顾人民的物质生活而已,那只是一个起点。
- Just look at this beautiful present. 快来看看这件漂亮的礼物吧。
- Just look at it. Isn't it amazing! 你看看。真叫人惊叹!
- He was left alone, with no one to look after him. 留下他孤苦伶仃一个人,没人照顾。